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-12-Forth didn't feel like attending any classes for the day. It wasn't like he needed it anyway! Forth was a genius when it came to Engineering! Still when he came in to his room, the first thing he did was throwing his cigarettes in to the trash. Then he checked his phone. It was overflowing with messages from his friends and from some girls that got his number from... ah hell he doesn't know form were. He opened one, showing a picture of the girl naked but Forth felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not aroused, neither did he feel like smirking or replying. He simply set his phone own. Normally Forth would drink now but he didn't feel like doing this either. All he wanted was- well Forth didn't know either. Maybe he wanted to go mess with Beam some more? But at the same time, why should he hurt him even more?

Forth shook his head to clear it. Since when did he feel bad for something like this!? And why for fucks sake were Pha's words burning in to his head like this?!

After some consideration Forth realised, maybe there was something there all along. When he first met Pha at the moon competition, he felt weird. Back then he blamed it on not enough sex! Then when the two began to befriend each other... Forth felt happy. It was nice hanging out with Pha! Forth then believed in having a thing for Yo. A thing that was more than just a simple fuck. But when he and Pha began to argue, he couldn't help but feel this pain in his heart also. So maybe he really had more than this interest for Pha? Forth bit his lip and searched for a picture of him and Pha... Well he was good looking after all, no point in dinging it... Forth wanted him! And he knew he wanted him for ever! God but he also knew he fucked it up! Fist the thing with Yo. Then Beam and now he made Pha his little side puppy...

2moons The pain (Forth x Phana)Where stories live. Discover now