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-18- Groaning Pha downed the next shot with his friends in the usual Bar. Witch meant Kit, Beam and Ming sat next to him. His mind was like everyday since he had left Forth in his room, all by himself... by the taller Engineer, that was doing god knows what, god knows where with god knows who. Frustrated Pha downed the next bottle with the help of his friend Kit, while Beam was too busy flirting with the waitress and Ming tried to hold up his boyfriend so he wouldn't fall on to the floor.

Pha's day had been hard and noticing something was wrong Kit suggested a drinking night. The med student downed another shot, the burning sensation in his throat leaving him to groan. You might ask yourself what made Pha suffer? Well it was as usual Forth. To be specific, it wasn't the Engineer himself more the fact that some girl was flirting with him and he didn't send her away. On one hand Pha knew Forth wasn't in a relationship so he had all rights in flirting and he shouldn't care even if he was since he should hate Forth! On the other hand, Phana had a crush on this beast which meant he really didn't enjoy the thought. "Fuck Forth..." Pha mumbled about to drop against the table... but as the guy with perfect timing Forth was, he pulled Pha back up right in time. The Engineer sat down next to Pha and let the guy lean his head against his shoulder. "Drunk already?" Forth chuckled when Pha hit his chest softly.

"I am not drunk! What do you even want you idiot!?" "Sure, you are. Want me to get you home?" "No! Just leave!" "Not gonna happen." "Urgh, then drink with me asshole!"


Was drinking with a frustrated, already drunk Pha and a Sober Forth a good idea? No. It was the worst idea Pha ever had because at the point Forth was feeling a little drunk, Phana was hammered! Not even in the slightest in control of his body!

"Guy's I get kit home now. You two good alone?"

Ming asked concerned, but Forth waved him off. So, the younger left half carrying his boyfriend.

"I get you home to Pha."
"No!" "No? Why not?" "because you will leave me alone again when I am home!" "Well yeah? What's the problem with that Pha?" "I don't want you to go flirt again..."

Forth chuckled in half drunken state. He downed another shot, his head slowly beginning to spin. The engineer leaned back in his seat groaning a little.

"Hm. You look hot." "You're shameless when drunk Pha. Stop saying things you don't mean." "But I mean it!"

After this both were silent for a moment. Forth's head was spinning with excuses like: "Pha is drunk and does not know what he is saying, he hates me". So even if Forth wanted to kiss him right now he didn't. He rather patted the smaller's thigh telling him to get up. Both walked out of the bar, with Forth's arm wrapped around Pha's waist securely, to keep him from falling. You could think they were the closest friends, by just looking at how familiar they handled each other. No sine of hate anywhere and it had only been one week. A Week in which Forth had done a lot self-reflexion, a lot of thinking and a lot of dreaming. Dreaming about how it would be with Pha. How good it would feel to hold his hand, how nice it would be to fall asleep next to the other and wake up to him, how much Pha could change him for the better... like he had done already...

The walk to Pha's dorm was silent. The cold night air sobering both up more. None of them saying a word until Forth turned to leave Pha for the night...

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