Scene 21-24 - Near Demise / The Rebels Escape

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BEN is sleeping on his back a few feet away from a pile of hot embers. VERSITA is sleeping on her side on the other side, while her father is sitting about 100 yards away playing with a broken spaceship part sitting on a rock by the CR90 Corvette. Wind blows wispily, VERSITA's hair blowing gently. But there is something of a chill in the air, and VERSITA's sleeping body tightens, her knees meeting her elbows as her fists touch her chin. BEN reaches for his cloak bringing it closer around him.

The camera focuses on VERSITA as she shivers in the unusually cold air. The hot embers in the fire begin to die down and smoke emanates.

Another rush of wind blows and VERSITA's whole body shivers.

Suddenly, a red lightsaber emerges above VERSITA. She turns her head to face it, an expression of sheer terror. The black-hooded jedi - FAREN DUEY - fights his nerves and prepares to kill, but he doesn't move. He tries to raise his lightsaber, but his arm stays in the same position. He rolls his eyes up to see BEN KENOBI, his left hand raised making FAREN paralyzed.

BEN looks at his hand and the apprentice's lightsaber thinking for a moment. There is sweat on his forehead. And he looks FAREN in the eye. He has this look of "he knows what he has to do".



BEN doesn't answer and raises his right hand in the air. He closes his eyes, tightens his mouth and breathes in and out of his nose waiting.


The dead tree branches start to shiver in a sudden wind as the sand starts to blow around. The end of BEN's lightsabers appears from under a layer or two of sand blowing away. The saber starts to quiver.


The fearful atmosphere seems to heighten as VERSITA watches the two jedi above her sprawled body as BEN keeps one hand in front of him so that FAREN is still paralyzed and the other hand above him as if waiting for something. Before she knows what's happening, she can see a lightsaber floating high above her flipping around and around and then like a flash settling perfectly into BEN's raised hand. With that, he opens his eyes, lowers his left hand and blocks FAREN from her with his blue lightsaber.

BEN pushes against FAREN's lightsaber so that it is away from VERSITA and he lunges at him. FAREN just manages to block it and lunges at BEN in return. BEN blocks it and slashes the lightsaber at FAREN. He strikes and FAREN back a couple of times, then BEN strikes quickly slicing across FAREN's shoulder.

FAREN groans loudly through his teeth and hunches over holding his gashed shoulder. BEN slashes his lightsaber in the air a couple of times waiting for FAREN to recover. FAREN grits his teeth and lunges at him.

VERSITA, tired of just watching, scrambles from her feet and pulls out her blaster. She shoots aimlessly at FAREN hoping to weaken him. One of them hits him in the side and he screams falling to his knees on the ground. But suddenly a cloaked arm slides around her neck bearing a red lightsaber.



BEN turns to her wearily. For a moment he just stares at her, grief, longing and love in his eyes. This almost perfectly depicts the last time he lost the love of his life.

EDUS comes running from behind BEN.



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