Part Seven

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Walking out of my room the next morning, I froze as I noticed that the entire Cabin was empty. Empty and quiet. Normally, the others would be waking up or fighting over the bathrooms.

I walked out into the living room. Jay was there, sitting at the table. No one else was here though.

“Jay?” I called, standing in the hallway still. “Where’s everyone else?”

“Handing in their homework from their classes.”

“It’s not even breakfast time yet.” There was something off about the air in the Cabin. “What’s happening?”

“Come sit down.” Jay sighed. I walked over to the table and sat across from Jay. Spade stalked into the room, following and hunting a fly.

“What’s wrong?” I asked again.

“We’re moving. Cabin Six is.”


“Cuz’ of the whole fire-breathing thing.” Jay folded his hands on the table and sighed again. He looked tired, like he hadn’t slept last night.

“The Cabin’s being punished because of something I did? That hardly seems fair!” I cried.

“We’re not being punished. We’re not being kicked out. We’re just moving.”

“Well, don’t keep me in suspense.” I snarked. “Where are we moving?”

“Did you know that you set a record? Plenty of new Riders’ get in trouble when they first arrive. Not their second day and definably not with the entire council! You’ve set the record though!” Jay said, smiling like he was proud.

“We’re moving cuz I set a record?” Was the council as crazy as that monk?

“Cabin Six has been classified as elite. We’re not like a normal team; we’re better. We have different abilities and we’re more powerful.” Jay explained. “Because we’re stronger, we’re moving to a better equipped facility. It’s kinda like an advanced version of this place. This facility will test you and push you to the edge. It’s made to do that.”

“So, we’re vacating Cabin Six for a training facility?”

“It was the only way to make the council agree not to expel you. You have to go to this facility and train there. Madam might’ve been able to stop Matthew’s family from suing you, but the council had to decide if you were too dangerous for this camp. I convinced them that you were just more powerful and you didn’t know how to control your powers.”

It made sense.

My powers weren’t what normal Fire Riders’ powers were like. They were stronger and they were dangerous. This camp couldn’t train me. They weren’t equipped to train me.

This new facility was better equipped though. That meant I probably could get the fire-breathing thing under control. This camp wasn’t built for my abilities and the abilities that the others in Cabin Six had. This facility was though.

During the night, I had decided that I would try training with that monk. For a test run, sort of, and then I’d decide about training with him. Training with him and t this new facility, maybe things would get better.

“So, when do we leave?” I asked.




I sat next to Spade at the take-off pads. We were waiting for the rest of our Cabin to arrive. Beck sat next to me on my other side, Sapphire curled up in his lap. He was dozing and she was purring. Spade was asleep, meaning I had no one to talk too.

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