Part Nine

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“Enyx?” There was a hand on my shoulder and a weight sitting next to me. “Enyx, it’s time to get up.” The soft voice belonged to Buttercup.

“If it’s time to wake up, why is it still dark out?” I asked trying to roll over.

“You’re still getting used to the lighting here. It’s seven-thirty though. It’s time for breakfast.” Buttercup stated. “Jay said that if we’re not in the cafeteria by seven-forty, we’re not getting any food this morning. We’ll have to wait for lunch at one!”

“Alright, alright!” I grumbled, sitting up. Buttercup smiled brightly at me. “I’m getting up.”

“Great!” She bounced off my bed and over to hers. It was already made up neatly. It had no wrinkles, no bumps, nothing that stated she was ten years old. The only thing that said she was still young was the blue and purple bear that leaned against her pillow.

“Why’s your bed all made up like that?” I asked, yawning and stretching.

“Huh?” She looked confused for a second. “Oh! My father spent a couple years in the army. When my sisters and I were old enough to start doing things on our own, my father taught us to make our beds like this. He would wake us up in the morning and wouldn’t let us do anything till our beds were made up army-style.” She explained, lightly running a hand over her bed.

“I see.” I nodded, smiling lightly.

“It just kinda stuck, you know?” She shrugged, and then turned to me with something in her hand. She tossed it across the room. “Catch!”

Instinctively, I did so. It was a t-shirt and pants. The material was one that I didn’t recognize. It was rough and smooth and stretchy and sturdy all at once. Both the pants and the shirt were mostly black. There was a thick red streak that wrapped all around the shirt and the bottom of the pants had a gray streak on them.

“What’s this?” I asked.


“You’re kidding me!” I cried.

“They’re only for when we’re in the Pit. The cloth is like super helpful or something for when we’re in there. And they have like micro sensors in them that report information to the A.I.” She stated.

“And, I’m guessing we’re going into the Pit today?”

“No clue.” Buttercup replied. “Jay said we had to wear them though.”

I changed into them. When I was done, I twirled in them for Buttercup. She was smiling and clapping her hands, making me laugh.

“You look really nice in that.” She said with a smile. I glanced at her outfit. Her uniform was the same; all except hers had blue strips. That meant the colors corresponded with ownership.

“You look really cute in yours!” I stated. “The blue color makes your eyes look even more blue.”

“Thanks.” She smiled lightly.

“Let’s go eat, huh?” I offered. Spade jumped from the roof onto my shoulders. He let out a loud purr and rubbed against my cheek for a second.

Beck, Maxx and Shay sat at a table in the cafeteria. There was a table right beside them with what looked like pancakes. Buttercup hurried over to that table, grabbing a plate and picking out her breakfast. I went over and sat next to Beck.

“You have to sit next to me?” Beck grumbled.

“You still sour about last night?” I teased. He glared at me. I replied with a grin. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

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