Chapter 4: Art Class

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After the school janitor lectured me about skipping, I forced myself to go to class. Second period was Art and my forte but with everything going on, I rather be with Mason, dad and mom talking about what to do next than draw.

Opening the door, Mrs. Lin the art teacher sat at her desk and pointed for me to take a seat without looking up. Without sayong anything either I went to sit at the back of the class. As I sat down, the intruder came in and exactly like before everyone in this class tensed up, but Mrs.Lin being so dense didnt acknowledge his aura or the class' reaction.

"Hello, and you are?" she asked fixing her glasses.

Smiling a fake smile, he introduced himself, "I'm the new student,"

"Oh! Yes, its Alphonse correct?" Mrs. Lin went on and handling him a sketch book and the class syllabus.

So the intruder has a name and its Alphonse huh? Rolling my eyes my eyes, I stared at him as i tried contacting Mason.

Mase, He's in my class.

"Alright, you may sit wherever and do what the board says by the end of class, easy enough right?" she questioned as she went behind her desk once again and I more alert.

Looking for a seat, he scanned the room and once he stared at the back where I was he gave off a cocky smirk that got me boiling.

What?! Oh hell, okay just do what I told you and dont make a scene alright Scar?

Ignoring Mason, I glared remembering that theres an empty seat right behind me and in front of me and I'm prety sure I know which one this tresspasser is going to pick.

Making my suspiscions correct, he walks pass me and sits right behind me.

To late for that Mase, he's pratically 4 feet away and so help me if he does or says anything to tick me off you bet I'll make a scene.

Still ticked off, of how he treated my brother and looked down on us but especially how his skin burned me. No one who lays a hand on me lives to tell the tale.

Scar! Fight the urge, We still haven't come up with a plan yet. And don't forget there are humans there. We can not let them know what we are.

Well you guys better think fast.

"Scarlett, if Alphonse needs any help please do help him being your our best artist in the class okay?" Mrs. Lin asked as she went back to her own little world.

Not answering her, I scooted closer to my table trying to make more space between us. But not more than 10 minutes into the class that I felt his eyes stare at the back of my head and me gripping the table out of irrability is not helping either.

"You look tense prncess." he whispered very close to my ear and I held onto the table even more if that wre possible.

Breathing in and out I tried to calm down and stare out the window when Eddy pack member, whose cousins with Janie and Derrick picked me up all of a sudden and sat me at the empty seat that was in front of me and stared down at Alphonse.

Turning to look at him with one eyebrow raised up, I nodded to him asking why he sat me here all of a sudden.

Diverting his glance to me, he mind linked me.

"Really? You lookedlike you were about to explode and you're the Alpha's daughter, someone has to protect you when Mason isn't around when this intruder is too close to you."

"I don't need protection, and i was perfectly fine but i'll accept you as my sidekick instead." I smirked as I spoke and ended our mind link.

"Whatever, and here I was trying to be your hero and have a chance with you." he said leaning close to me but soon sat down in my seat smiling jokingly.

"Nice try, but no thanks pup." I smiled at him, but stopped when I felt Alphonse's cold stare directed at Eddy.

Turning to face the front, the tension went back up and before I knew it, the bell rang and I was the first to leave with Eddy hot at my trails. I didn't want to be in the same room with that man anymore because the whole time he kept starring my anger grew.

"Scarlett, wait up!"

"Go to third period, I'll be fine, Janie is in my next class!" I yelled and smelled the air and knew that he was no longer following me. Slowing down, I breathed out deeply to calm myself and rested on a nearby locker.

Hearing the tardy bell ring, I started to go to class when I felt him. Alphonse may conceal his scent but like i said before, I can still smell an unknown area on him and by the looks of it, he was right besides me.

Glancing to him, he began talking.

"We meet again princess" Cringing at the word princess, i glared and took two steps back. "Is my little princess intimidated not having lver boy with her?" He added with a smile.

Growling lowly, Eliza was coming alive with me.

"Listen here and listen good, I am not anyones princess, nor am I intimidated and Eddy isnt nor will by be my boyfriend or lover! Hell he isn't my mate and I can fight my own battles." I yelled loud enough for only us to hear and any nearby wolves but by the time i could calm down, I knew my eyes have already changed into a green hue.

Looking at his blank expression only added more anger and I was so close to shifting when Kyle all of a sudden pulled me back as he growled at Alphonse and even he came out in whatever dimension his mind led him.

"Get away from her, tresspesser" He yelled as my shock of him appearing out of no where dimmed.

"Like I'll listen to a weakling like you" Alphonse smirked and took a step closer as did Kyle whose eyes were already a blue hue and very close to shifting. Pulling him behind me, I stepped forward.


"Kyle, this is between me and him, you don't need to intervene." I said with a cold voice he knew not to fight me once i made up my mind.

Giving an irritated face, he stepped back and I brought my gaze back to Alphonse,

"Whoever or wherever you're from I suggest you go back."

Emitting a cocky face, he spoke. "I like your threats but they lack promise. Now princess, I am not leaving and nor will my pack. We just got here and I found something I really like and when I happen to find that thing, I don't leave without it." He then leaned to close for comfort and whispered, "And I hate sharing her." And with that he left, leaving me semi shocked and Kyle pissed.

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