Kissing Lucy

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A car parked outside of the old house on the outskirts of town. A young woman and her even younger daughter tense up.

"Lucy..." the young girl's mother whispered shakily, "I want you to hide. It doesn’t matter what happens, do not make a sound. Got it?"

"Mommy, what's going to happen?" Lucy asks her mother. "Mommy?"

"Just hide!" Lucy's mother shouted.

Lucy ran and hid behind the couch. She clutched the silver cross wrapped around her neck and peeked out just as her father entered the house.

"Where's my dinner?" he demanded.

"W-What do you mean? You said you'd have dinner while you were out," Lucy's mother trembled in fear.

"Well, I'm hungry, bitch!" he smacks her cheek, and she runs to the kitchen. "Where's Lucillia?" he shouts turning the TV on.

"I believe she's in her room, Hank," the woman lied handing over a turkey sandwich in her shaking hands.

"Get that bitch out here. I have something to show her."

"Hank, please. She's sleeping."

Hank jumped up off the couch, and grabbed the woman's throat. "Go get our daughter, I said!"

"No..." Lucy's mother said.

Hank grabbed his shot gun, and placed it on her forehead. "Go. Get. Lucillia." The dark-haired blue-eyed woman didn’t respond.

Instead, she spit on his face.


He shot the gun...

...And her limp body fell to the ground.

"Mommy!" Lucy shrieked as she ran from her hiding spot.

Hank aimed the gun at Lucy, and she collapsed next to her mother crying wildly. "Daddy, why...!" she whimpered.

"Shut up, bitch."

She cried harder, and hugged her mother closely, desperately believing she hadn’t left yet. She couldn’t breath she was crying so hard.

Before Hank could shoot his own daughter, someone jumped in front of Lucy and took the bullet instead. But her savior didn’t fall. He acted as if it didn’t even affect him.

Lucy's vision grew blurry with tears, and her world was spinning too fast, and she fell backwards and instantly was embraced with darkness.





When Lucy woke, she was greeted with friendly blue eyes, and golden hair.

"Shh..." the voice whispered. "It's all ok now, just sleep..."

The voice was so smooth, so calm, so soothing...

It put Lucy back to sleep...

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