Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up in the middle of the night. One of Tyler's hands were on the small curve between my stomach and my hips, and the other was beneath my head. I snuggled up closer to him, and accidently woke him up.

"Morning already?" he whispered in my ear.

I roll over and face him. My hands glide slowly up to his shoulders. I hold him as if i'm scared he'll disappear.

"No, sorry for waking you," i whisper, and hide my face in his light gray t-shirt.

I hear a small chuckle, and he hugs me lightly.

"Sorry again, but, was it a dream, or were you really flying?" i say looking up at him.

Tyler's quiet for a moment, but he sighs. "It was a dream--kind of."

"What do you mean? You felt it too? You had the same dream as me?"

"No, no, it's--"

I sit up and look down at him. He sighs, and sits up too.

"I want the truth," i tell him. Then, as an after thought, "Please," i breathe.

He laughs, but it's not out of humor. "You wont believe me," is all he says.

"Try me." i tell him, a bit of annoyance in my tone.

"Remember that day, when you told me it wasnt my job to protect you?" he begins, and i nod. He coninues, "Well... it is."

I nod quickly, expecting more, but when i realize what he's saying, my head slowly stopps bobbing,a dn i shake my head. "Wait--what? No it isnt! What are you talking about?"

"Let me finish," he raises both hands up.

I shut up, and let him explain.

"And remember when we were flying?"

"So it wasnt a dream?"

"Not--exactly," he sounds like it pains him to tell me this.

I wait for him to continue. "And, uh, awhile ago, and i told you the consiquences if i told you my secret?"

What will happen if you tell me this secret? I had asked him, and his reply was, Let's just say that if i tell you, i'll fall into a deep, dark pit of eternal pain. I had said back to him, You mean that like a metaphor, right? And his response was: Sure.

This all sounded familular to me.

Dove wings on a human. His job is to protect me.

Deep, dark pit of eternal pain, Tyler had told me.

"Hell..." i whisper.

Tyler flinched at that word, and suddenly it all flowed into me.

"You're my guardian angel?" i breathe.

"Yes--no, er, figure it out. I cant tell you, alright?"

"But i just figured it out. What else do you want me to do?"

Tyler is quiet for a moment, but he licks his lips, and whispers, "Kiss me."

I do as he says. I lean in slowly, taking hld of his jaw, and kiss him passionatly. At first he wasnt into it, but then he started kissing me with more emotion. His hands ran threw my hair, and i could help but shiver in delight.

I dont want to think about him being my guardian angel yet. Should i believe him? Of course...not. Why should i believe him? He has no actual proof. Yet, there's somthng inside me that wants to believe him.

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