Chapter Five

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I hurry upstairs to my bathroom where I re-straighten my hair and brush threw it to make it look perfect, fix the eyeliner beneath my eyes, and then check out my long mirror to check myself out with my whole outfit in the picture.

I look…fine.

Again, I run back downstairs and nervously watch the clock and the door. Suddenly, deciding I couldnt take it anymore, I jump up and anxiously pace around in my living room.

Why am i so nervous

? We're just friends, and that's all. He's just giving me something I've never had. A day about me, and me only. Not even Emily does this kind of stuff for me.

As soon as the clock hits twelve, my doorbell rings. An eager smile plants itself on my face, and I take a deep breath to calm me down before I open the door.

Calmness and something dream-like flows threw me when I see the familular blue eyes of Tyler. I almost melt when he gives me his sweet, innocent, crooked smile. He wears jeans, converse, red and black flannel t-shirt with a black undershirt.

"Why, hello," he tells me.

I am almost too stunned to speak. Instead, I smile back silently.

"So were are we going today?" he asks.

"Well, I guess I’m kind of hungry," I say, "Can we go get some lunch?"

"Dont ask me what I want to do, Lucy, it's your day," he says, then leads me to his car. When I saw it, I flipped out. My dream car. Zenvo ST1. Number five most expensive car in the world, sold for $1,225,000, and can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in 2.9 seconds.

"How..." I look at my bug, then at the Zenvo. "Why... Oh my gosh, I think I’m in love," I say.

He chuckles, and opens the door for me. "Come on, get in. Were do you wanna go for lunch?"

"I dont care."

"Yes, you do."

"It's expensive."

"Nothing's expensive compared to my car, Lucy," he chuckles, "I'm just kidding. Dont mean to brag. But, seriously. I dont care, so just pick."



In a small, quiet voice i say, "Olive Garden.” But then I add, really quickly, “But, their lines are always long, and it costs a lot, so I dont care. We can--"

"Say no more," he says, and begins driving without a care in the world.

"Hey, you ought to be careful," I warn him, "One of the neighbors kids love to run across the street when a car comes. It's like a game they play. It's stupid; if you make it, you win, if you get hit, you lose and possibly get killed."

"I think I’ll be ok," he winks at me. "So after lunch. Were am I taking you?"

"Well, I think I wanna go to Magic Moutain," I tell him. "I've never been there, but everyone else talks about it saying how wonderful it is. Can we go? Er, i mean, well... I dont know, do you wanna go?" I stammer.

"Of course I wanna go," Tyler tells me, "I'd go anywhere with you."

I blush, and look out the passenger side window. "So, we're going?"


I squeal with delight, and hug myself tightly. I glance his way, and he's watching the road--for the kids, I assume.

Or hope.




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