Chapter Three

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Barley anyone has gotton into the water since the incident, and Emily and Jayden had gone for a walk off the shoreline. Me and Tyler sit in our beach chairs just like we did before I'd gotton into the water, with me tanning, and him trying to talk to me.

"I'm sorry, Lucy," he tells me.

I look at him confused. "For what?"

"Well, I'm that one that urged you to get into the water, and I couldnt keep Jayden occupied long enough, and--"

I cut him off right there. "It's not your fault." I say, "Maybe it was God saying to come home."

"Uh, no," Tyler says quickly, and matter-of-factly.

I sit up and stare at him. My head is only a tiny bit dizzy, but my headache is growing. "You don’t believe?" I act nonchalantly and apply more sunscreen as if that's the reason i jerked forwards. Not everyone is Christian, I remind myself.

"Yes, big believer, but I'm just saying that's not him telling you it's time. Believe me," he says, then mumbles really low, "i wouldn’t be here if it were."


He looks up as if he didnt know what I was talking about. "What do you mean?"

"What did you say?" I ask hoping he would come clean on why he is acting so weird. Maybe he thinks I look familular too, and he'll finally say it and turns out we went to school together when we were little or something.

"I said God isnt saying it's time. Whoever put that in your head?"

"Someone saved me," I spill, then instantly cover my mouth. I usually tell these things to Emily, not some guy I just met!

"Saved you? Yah, me and Emily pulled you out of the water," Tyler says to me.

I shake my head. "No, that's not it. When I was underwater. Someone was swimming towards, and he told me what to do. I think it's the same guy that saved me when I was younger," i say, my voice fading gradually.

Shut up, shut up, shut up…

"Saved you when you were younger?" Tyler says.

I nod. "Yah, someone saved me. My father was about to kill me, but that thing took the bullet. But it was so weird, it was like he didnt feel it at all!" I start laughing, "I'm sorry, you dont need to listen to me if you dont want to. It was this kind of talk that makes everyone think I'm psycotic."

"I dont think your psycotic."

I smile. A real smile. A smile like the one I give Emily. "Really? After you heard all this nonsense?"

"Nonsense? Nah, I think it's interesting. Like those Ghost Adventure's and Ghost Hunters, and you should see me when it comes on. I make who ever is with me go make some popcorn." he chuckles, and I laugh a little.

"I watch Ghost Adventure's when there's nothing else on, but that's it," I say.

Tyler does an exagerated face of disbelief, and he places his hand where his heart lays beneath the skin and lungs. "If you say that one more time, I believe I’m going to have a heart attack, ma'am," he jokingly informs me.

Still laughing, I roll my eyes."'Course you are, Tyler," I say to him.

We laugh a little, and I close my eyes again.

"Why do you wear make-up?" he asks me.

Panic surges threw me, "Ohmigosh, is it jacked up? Damn it, I cant believe I didnt even think about that! How bad is it?"

"No, no, it's not bad. I was just asking why you wear it."

"So... it's not messed up?"

"No," he assures me.

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