Chapter Ten

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I dont know what i was expecting when we met up again, but this was definitly not it.

As we were walking side by side into Taco Bell, it was silent. Awkwardly silent. And he acted as if it didnt happen.

"So,," i say searching for a topic, but failing.

"What do you want?" he asks.

"Cantina Bowl, chicken, please," i tell him.

"Ok," he replies, "Would you mind finding us a table?"

"Uh, yah, sure," i tell him, and wonder off to find us a table.

On the drive back, me and Tyler were back to talking, but he never brought up holding my hand, nor did he try to do it again. When it got quiet again, my phone rang.


I longed to press end, but i really just couldnt stand the awkward silence between us now.


Tyler turns the radio down.

"Hey, were are you?"

"The beach. Why??=" i say a little defensive now.

"I'll be down in a sec--dont move, k?"

"I dont want you--"

She hangs up.



"What's going on between you two?"

I put my phone in my pocket, and shake my head. "It's a long story, but she wants to come and talk today at the beach."

"Care to fill me in on the details?"

I look at him. "You really wanna know?"

"Yes," he tells me, "I want you to be able to tell me anything."

"Alright, well..." i commence to tell him about how me and Emily have always been friends. She even knew my parents for about a month before they died. I tell him about how she was the only one who believed in my sotry of being saved that night, an i also begin to tell him about my depression a couple of years ago. I tell him about how i didnt talk to anyone, Emily hardly ever even though we were still close, and i tell him of that one night, where i took a razor, and slid it across my wrist. I broke skin, and blood began to gush. I was so scared, i didnt do it to die, i did it so that i could feel some sort of emotion. After that, i tell him how big of a secret that was between me and Emily, and how she took advantage of me and went and told her new best friend, Hilary Hackette.

He didnt have anything left to say.

"I'm so sorry," he finially says as we reach the beach parking lot.

As i go to unbuckle my seatbelt, he grabs my wrist, and doesnt let go. For a second, i thought he was going to hold my hand like before, but he doesnt try to reach my hand. I look up at him, and he gives me a reassuring smile.

"I'll always be here for you, ok Lucy?" he gives me a small squeeze, then lets go, "Remember that."

He opens the door and leaves me in the truck for a moment before i get out too. I hear a honk, and turn around to see the familar black Camaro that belongs to Emily, the bitch that betrayed me. The bitch that killed me inside.

"Lucy! Lucy, oh my gosh!" a smile on her face grows wider as she parks her car and comes running towards me.

She hugs me tightly, and i look to Tyler for help.

"Uh, Emily?" Tyler says. "Jayden is down my the beach--"

"I didnt come to see my baby! I came to see Luce!"

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