Chapter 8: Stormy Night

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A few days went by after the fateful morning of Ishimaru and Mondo's first kiss and things were looking quite good for the pair. They hadn't seen each other since then but they definitely kept in contact. They'd been texting back and forth, which was quite a challenge for Ishimaru but he was starting to get the hang of it.
♡Mondo ♡: Hey Taka, what's up? ;P
Taka!!♡♡: Hello! I am currently reading a book! What are you up to? :D :D
♡Mondo♡: Daiya wants to have a gang night tonight, hopefully it doesn't rain
Taka!!♡♡: I don't believe it is supposed to rain tonight, so it should be ok! :)
Mondo♡: I wish u could come, it'd be a lot more fun ;)
Taka!!♡♡: I am able to join if you want me to, but didn't you say it'd be too dangerous for me? :0
Mondo♡: I can protect u if needed ;P
Taka!!♡♡: Then I shall prepare myself for a night with the gang! :D
Mondo♡: Pick u up @ 8 ;)
8 o' clock rolled around and Mondo was in Ishimaru's driveway. Ishimaru ran out to the bike and hopped on happily.
"I brought some first aid stuff just in case!" Ishimaru beamed proudly.
"We'll probably need it" Mondo chuckled revving the engine before speeding off with his Taka holding onto him tightly. They headed to Mondo's to meet up with Daiya before heading off to see the rest of the gang. Daiya grinned seeing Ishimaru with Mondo.
"I see you brought a medic in case we get in trouble" Daiya snorted pulling his bike out of the garage. Mondo merely shrugged.
"I figured he'd be fun to have around" Mondo explained
"Well I have no doubts, but if anything happens to him I'm blaming you" Daiya joked, which made Ishimaru a little nervous. Mondo could tell that frightened Ishimaru a little so he tried to reassure him it'd be ok.
"He's just teasing, I promise I won't let anything happen to you" Mondo whispered to Ishimaru. It did in fact make Ishimaru feel better so he gave Mondo a lil smooch on the cheek when Daiya wasn't looking. Once Daiya was ready the two brothers sped off on their motorcycles.
After a good 20 minutes of speeding through the moonlit streets, they stopped at a dark warehouse. There were many motorcycles already parked outside the doors, so it was clear this was where everyone was meeting. Ishimaru noticed a few clouds in the sky before they went in. He had nearly forgotten that Mondo was in fact part of one of the largest biker gangs in the country. As they walked in he was surprised by how many people there were. The fact it was dark in there and everyone suddenly looked at them didn't calm his nerves so he stayed close to Mondo for some sense of security. Daiya went over the basics of what they were doing and where they were going to everyone. Some approached Mondo and the man behind him curiously.
"Who's this?"
"This is Ishimaru, he's a friend from school. I wanted to show him how tough I am, he doesn't believe i am" Mondo made up on the spot. Ishimaru nodded to back up his perjurious statement. The lie seemed to satisfy their curiosity so they walked away to get on their bikes. Mondo and Ishimaru soon followed. As the wind blew past them, the gang was off on their string of chaos.
Ishimaru tended to stay behind at the beginning of the gang's spree, since Mondo insisted it'd be safer for him not to get involved. On one hand Ishimaru was thankful he wasn't expected to join but on the other something kept eating at him to join and prove he wasn't weak. Or was it to show off to Mondo? He didn't know but either reason kept making him want to join them more and more. Mondo on the other hand, felt conflicted as well. He enjoyed having Ishimaru be there but felt a bit sad they were leaving him out. His emotions towards Taka were still new, granted, but Mondo felt fairly sure about them, even if he still remained hesitant.
It was about 10pm when thunder could be heard in the distance and it began to rain. Not pansy sprinkle rain, this was like a fucking monsoon. It came down quickly and in frighteningly large quantities. An umbrella seemed like a good idea, but given that they were currently speeding down the street, it wouldn't do much at this point. Everyone was soaking wet within minutes. Mondo's pompadour was now a soggy, floppy mess so he just pulled it back to get it out of the way. Ishimaru's hair wasn't long enough to cause him any trouble but he brushed it back messily with his hand just out of nervous habit.
Daiya had made the decision to just get everyone back home in order to keep everyone safe from the storm that was nearly on top of them. They had just turned into an alley for a shortcut when a group of fellow bikers blocked the path. However, these were not friends of the Crazy Diamonds.
"Well well well, if it isn't the Diamonds. Nice to see you were stupid enough to try and beat the rain" said a voice amoungst the rival gang.
"Anthony Johnson, the copycat down the block. Isn't it past your bedtime, little man?" Mondo taunted annoyed by the other gang's presence.
"Don't you oowada brothers ever get tired of having your heads so far up your asses that you cross into our territory?" Anthony smirked. Mondo gritted his teeth, starting to get fired up. Daiya knew this and put his hand on Mondo's shoulder.
"Calm down, you getting pissed of is what they want."
"Big brother Daiya, always babying the pathetic right hand man" Anthony chimed in "Oh, and i see the starry eyed baby brother now has a pet of his own, how sweet" he glanced at Ishimaru. Ishimaru frowned at his statement but remained silent.
A roar of thunder could be heard in the distance. The two gangs were at a stand still. No insults were being flung, no punches thrown. Not yet, at least. An even louder crack of thunder, accompanied by a bright flash of lightning signaled both gangs to lunge at each other. Punches were thrown, blood was splattered, bruises were formed. Ishimaru knew now was no time to be a bystander. He quickly looked around the alley for something and spotted something behind a trash can. That would work. Meanwhile, Mondo and Daiya were kicking some serious ass. Were they severely out numbered? Yes. Were they getting hit a lot? You bet. Would any of this stop them? Maybe! It didn't look like they were going to give up till they were surrounded by at least 5 people. Anthony, of course, was one of them.
"It's over, shitheads. You better run while you still have your kneecaps. Vee, you take Daiya. Mondo is all mine." He directed one of his henchmen. However, this was in vain. A supersonic boom of thunder was heard overhead, with blinding lightning to go with it. Accompanying the storm, was nobody but Kiyotaka, motherfucking, Ishimaru. And the goody two-shoes had a rusty pipe.
The look in Ishimaru's eyes when the lightning flashed was like a wild animal. Mondo saw it and was both frightened and smitten all at once. It was quite overwhelming to say the least. Clearly the opposing gang had seen it too because they scrambled to get the hell out of there. That or it was because Ishimaru had now knocked not one but 3 of them unconscious with a single whack, including their cocky leader. Mondo couldn't have been prouder, honestly. He was also incredibly turned on but that's besides the point. The other 2 antagonists hardly had a chance to flee before they caught a pipe to the back of their skulls.
"Nice job, Taka!" Mondo grinned excitedly giving him a thumbs up. Ishimaru smiled back dropping the pipe on the ground.
"Can we go home now? I don't want anyone to catch a cold from all this rain" Ishimaru inquired, concerned for the gang. Mondo nodded in agreement.
"Lets meet up at the warehouse and recoup before we call it a night" Daiya ordered. Everyone settled back on their bikes and off they went into the cold, wet night. 

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