Chapter 10: Love (NSFW!!!)

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School resumed a few days later and the pair had to be sneaky as ever. They weren't sure how their classmates would react to the rule abiding hall monitor and the delinquent biker dating so they decided to just keep it lowkey for now. They were still going to study after school like they were before, but now that exams were over it was more relaxed. Ishimaru helped Mondo on the parts of his homework he didn't understand. Math was still a struggle, but he noticed Mondo was doing better at it since they started their sessions. Other subjects needed work too, but math seemed like a good place to focus on a little more closely since Mondo struggled most with it. Science wasn't much better but it was more memory stuff than actual work.
It was around 4pm when they decided to call it a day and go home. They were the only ones there at that point, even the librarian Miss Keyna had left. Two teenage boys in a room alone is scary enough but add the fact they're boyfriends? Total chaos. Mondo was fully aware of this. Ishimaru was lost in a book, so he wasn't as aware as the man beside him. Mondo smirked to himself and kissed Ishimaru's cheek. Ishimaru smiled still keeping his eyes on his book. Mondo trailed kisses down his cheek, then his jaw, then his neck. Ishimaru giggled starting to come out of his reading trance.
"Stop- that tickles"
"Oh really? Well in that case" Mondo trailed off kissing more of his neck. Ishimaru shut his book and tried to escape but Mondo already had his arms snared around him. He was trapped. All he could do was squirm at the mercy of his lovey dovey boyfriend. Mondo just squeezed him tighter and kissed all over his neck and face. He finally decided to give him a break and smooched his lips happily. Ishimaru kissed back still attempting to wiggle his way free with very little success. Mondo trailed his hand down Ishimaru's back, freeing him a little but Ishimaru wasn't trying to escape anymore. Mondo would've let his hand go even lower but Ishimaru's phone started ringing, breaking their peaceful moment. They pulled away from each other and Ishimaru answered his phone. It was his dad.
"Hello father, what's going on?"
"I came to pick you up from the school, I assume you're still here?" His father replied
"Yes sir, but there was no need to come get me, Mondo could've driven me home" Ishimaru was skeptical of why his dad was there. His father didn't answer for a moment
"Just come outside and get in the car." He grumbled before hanging up. Ishimaru wasn't sure what this meant but something told him it was nothing good. Ishimaru sighed and stood up.
"My father is here, he's picking me up"
"What? Why??" Mondo quickly stood up
"I have no idea, but i have a feeling it's bad"
"Do you want me to come with you??"
"No, I'll be ok. I'll message you if things get too bad" Ishimaru smiled weakly before kissing him on the cheek. He gathered his stuff and quickly left to not anger his dad further. He ran outside and quickly got in the car. The silence felt tense enough to cut someone.
"What do I owe the pleasure of having you pick me up from school?" Ishimaru suddenly stated
"I just wanted to spend time with you, is that not allowed now that you have a criminal boyfriend?" Takaaki muttered driving off. Ishimaru now realized what pissed off his dad.
"You're picking me up because you don't like Mondo, is that it?" Ishimaru frowned
"I have never met the delinquent, but he's the leader of a biker gang. He encourages you to sneak in and out of the house at god knows what time at night. Son, this boy is trouble. I know you are dedicated to your studies but maybe this is one study you need to ease off a little. I know you're excited since this is your first relationship and i'm proud of you. He seems to make you happy, and I'm not asking you to break up with him. I'm just concerned he's making you do things that aren't you"
Ishimaru felt every word in his soul. He understood what he meant, and he could understand where he was coming from, but Mondo never made him do things he wasn't willing to do or try. Suddenly he felt so confused about everything. Was their relationship healthy? Was Ishimaru actually happy? Was all this badass stuff Ishimaru's style? He didn't know. He just sat in confused silence the rest of the way home.
Mondo messaged him around 6pm to make sure he wasn't dead in a ditch somewhere.
Mondo♡: Taka are you ok??? I haven't heard anything from you, did your dad do something to you?!
Taka!!♡♡: no i am ok, i am just thinking about some things.
Mondo♡: like what?
Taka!!♡♡: do we really make each other happy? is this love or just obligation?
Mondo didn't reply for several minutes, trying to contemplate that message.
Mondo♡: what did your dad do to you
Taka!!♡♡: he didn't do anything, he just pointed some things out.
Mondo♡: is your dad going to be home later tonight
Taka!!♡♡: no, he's heading out on a buisness trip in a few minutes, why?
Taka!!♡♡: mondo please don't do anything to my dad
Mondo♡: leave your window unlocked tonight
Taka!!♡♡: what?? why??
Taka!!♡♡: mondo what are you going to do
Taka!!♡♡: ???
No reply. Ishimaru was very concerned what Mondo was planning, but he trusted him despite everything.
Around 9pm Ishimaru went to bed, head still mulling over his feelings of Mondo. He made sure to unlock the window before flopping on his bed. He felt tears form in his eyes but refused to let them fall. He started to drift off until he heard his window open from the outside. It was the pompadour knight, Mondo himself. Ishimaru stayed still and kept his eyes shut, unsure of what Mondo intended. Mondo smiled to himself seeing his fake sleeping boyfriend. He sat on the bed and made sure to take off his shoes first, since he knew how Ishimaru felt about shoes on beds, and laid next to him. He put an arm around Ishimaru's waist and grinned.
"I know you're not asleep" he whispered kissing Ishimaru's neck. Ishimaru did his best not to make any noise or move. This only provoked Mondo further. He trailed his lips up his neck all the way to Ishimaru's cheek.
"I just want to prove how much I love you, regardless if you love me back" He smiled at the 'sleeping' Ishimaru "I love you a lot, like more than I could ever love any bike or dog" He softly kissed his lips and was surprised to feel lips kissing back. Ishimaru put his arms around Mondo and smiled into the kiss. He knew how he felt now. Utterly in love with the goofy deliquent that climbed through his window. Mondo pulled away a bit hesitantly and Ishimaru opened his eyes
"I've been awoken by my true love!" He grinned
"My princess has waken up, it's a miracle!" Mondo went along with the joke and sat up cradling his 'princess'. Ishimaru kissed him again just happy to have him there. He could cry, thats how happy he was to see Mondo. Mondo was just happy to be there for him. The pair kissed happily as their arms found their way around each other. Ishimaru wrapped his legs around Mondo's waist to minimize the space between them. Mondo smirked as he gently pushed Ishimaru's back against the mattress and was now leaning over him. Ishimaru ran a hand through Mondo's hair before pulling away for a second.
"Do you want to maybe,,," he trailed off
"Maybe what?" Mondo raised a brow
",,,kiss with tongue?" Ishimaru blurted out, embarrassed at such an idea. Mondo chuckled at his red face.
"But of course, my dear princess" Mondo teased before his head was promptly pulled forward by his boyfriend and their lips connected once again. This time, their mouths were open. Neither one was entirely sure how to french kiss, so it was bit awkward at first but they found their way eventually. With bodies intertwined, now with tongues in the mix, things were getting a little steamy. Ishimaru gently pushed Mondo back so now he was on the bed and Ishimaru was now on top. Mondo didn't mind, but he was a bit apprehensive. Both of them were hard, shockingly, but Mondo was still worried about making Ishimaru uncomfortable. Ishimaru knew how Mondo felt just by his hesitation so he pulled away from the kiss for a moment.
"Do you want to continue?" Ishimaru inquired hovering above his face
"Yeah, I just..don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything" Mondo explained. Ishimaru smiled softly at him and kissed his cheek.
"You're too sweet, sugar cookie" he whispered to Mondo before he sat on Mondo's lap and rocked back and forth. Mondo jerked in surprise at the action and his face went ruby red. Ishimaru leaned down and kissed him again, his hips still moving in a slow but steady pace. Mondo knew the lack of skin on skin contact was gonna drive him crazy but he wasn't sure if Ishimaru would be up for it. He trailed his lips down Ishimaru's chin to his neck and decided to retaliate by giving him a hickey. The sudden sensation was surprising to Ishimaru, resulting in his hip rotation to no longer be a pattern. Mondo decided to take it a step further and moved his hips against him. Ishimaru huffed trying not to submit so easily. He rocked his hips again to match Mondo's pace. Ishimaru was at a disadvantage since he was in his pajamas and his shorts were kinda thin. Mondo was aware of this, since it was much more obvious to see Ishimaru's pant tent than his own. Ishimaru on the other hand had a moment of reality hitting him and he immediately stopped.
"Mondo, i know we're kind of in the middle of this activity however I do not want to get my bed dirty so can we move this to the shower perhaps?" He suggested. Mondo stopped moving his hips too and shrugged
"Fine with me, it's your room" Mondo winked. Ishimaru kissed his cheek and rolled off of him and hopped off the bed excitedly. He wasn't sure where this was going but it was going to be a fun learning experience. Mondo really didn't care about what they were doing, he just wanted to be happy with Ishimaru. And if getting freaky is the way to be happy with him, its so fucking worth it. Ishimaru went to the bathroom and turned the shower on so it'd be warm by the time they were ready to go in. Mondo came in and both of them started undressing. Mondo was out of his clothes in a matter of seconds but Ishimaru was going to take his time, just to mess with his boyfriend. Mondo just huffed, taking in every bit of skin that was revealed to him, very slowly. Mondo decided to just get in the shower even if it was still a little bit cold. Ishimaru frowned seeing Mondo got in the shower already and quickly joined him.
"Are you that eager?" Ishimaru chuckled stepping into the shower.
"Maybe, aren't you?" Mondo smirked eyeing Ishimaru's nude body for a moment. Internally he was screeching cause he had honestly forgotten his boyfriend was in fact muscular. Ishimaru was more focused on trying to keep chill. Yes, Mondo's body was incredibly hot, but he already knew that. Ishimaru turned the water up a little warmer just for the fun of it. Mondo put his arms around Ishimaru's waist and kissed the back of his neck, leaving a few marks here and there. Then be trailed down to his shoulders and did the same. Ishimaru could feel something touching his thigh and knew exactly what it was. He wasn't sure what to do so he put his thighs around it but did nothing beyond that. Clearly it did something cause Mondo flinched and went redder in the face than he was previously. Ishimaru took this as a good sign so he moved his thighs around it. Mondo gritted his teeth failing to keep his cool. Ishimaru grinned and quickly turned around, thighs now switched but still around Mondo's member.
"Having problems, dear?" Ishimaru grinned mischievously. Mondo frowned before crashing his lips into Ishimaru's to make him stop teasing him verbally. He involuntarily moved his hips, mostly cause damn those thighs felt nice. Ishimaru squeezed his thighs a bit, earning a hesitant groan out of Mondo. He smiled finally getting his revenge and gave Mondo hickeys all over his collar bone. Mondo bit his lip his hips practically moving on their own.
"Ishimaru your thighs are so fuckin soft" Mondo mumbled begrudgingly
"Glad you like them" Ishimaru chuckled. Mondo smooched him again, this time it wasn't lustful or anything. It was a simple passionate kiss to show that this all was for love, not lust. Ishimaru could tell it meant how much Mondo loved him and he was speechless. He kissed back with as much love and passion and it showed to Mondo. There was no hips moving, no hickeys forming, just two souls who loved each other sharing their devotion to one another. It was real, and it was very wet.
The two kissed for as long as they could before they needed to breathe. They panted as they just stared at each other happily. No words needed, no actions required, merely a simple stare. Mondo smiled at him and kissed his boyfriend's cheek softly.
"I really do love you a lot, yknow. I wouldn't have climbed through your window if i didn't" Mondo whispered
"I know you wouldn't have done that if you didn't. But I'm so glad you do, because I really love you too" Ishimaru whispered back. The two had temporarily forgotten what they had been doing prior to their little lovey dovey time, so when Ishimaru tried to move his leg he remembered exactly what was between his thighs and he blushed.
"Oh yeah- we were doing that" he mumbled
"We don't have to continue if you don't want to" Mondo assured him
"No no, we must finish what we started. At least I need to, since this is kind of my fault" Ishimaru giggled
"Hey, if you're up for it so am I!" Mondo grinned.
The pair kissed one more time before they got back to buisness. Ishimaru had a plan now. He kissed Mondo's chin and trailed down to his neck. Then he went from his neck to his collarbone. The trail kept getting lower, and lower, and lower. Past the chest, past the abs. Ishimaru was on his knees now, gazing directly at Mondo's dick. Was Ishimaru overwhelmed? A little, but that's cause he's never done this before. He looked up at Mondo who gave him an encouraging smile and a thumbs up. Ishimaru felt as ready as he would ever be. He kissed softly along Mondo's hip and slowly made his way over. He gently put his hands on the base and slowly moved his hands up and down. Mondo bit his lip which gave Ishimaru an indication that he was doing it right. He felt a little more confident so he sped up his hand speed. Mondo groaned softly but quickly covered his mouth to prevent any further noises. Ishimaru took this as a challenge so he further increased the speed of his hands and now had his lips against the tip. He slowly moved his lips down so that the tip was entirely in his mouth. It was an odd sensation but it wasn't horrible. He looked up at Mondo and couldn't help but chuckle at his blushy boyfriend who was having a difficult time containing his enjoyment. Ishimaru moved his mouth down further and further till he went as far as he could without gagging. Then he slowly went back up. He kept it slow for a few moments but quickly picked up his pace once he was used to it. He didn't mind it as long as it made Mondo happy, which it clearly was since Mondo had given up trying to contain his moans and groans. It was entertaining to Ishimaru. He bobbed his head up and down as fast as he could and added his hands to the mix as Mondo's noises got louder and more animalistic. He gripped Ishimaru's hair roughly and motioned for him to stand up. Ishimaru stood up and could tell Mondo's eyes were hazy with lust. It was a bit concerning but deep down he was totally into it. Mondo smirked at his boyfriend and turned him so he was facing away. He put an arm around Ishimaru's waist and the other around his chest. He kissed Ishimaru's neck for a moment before biting him softly. He moved his kissed and bites up to Ishimaru's earlobe.
"God damn i fuckin' love you" he whispered huskily as he slid himself between Ishimaru's thighs and started moving his hips. Mondo's hand on Ishimaru's waist slowly moved down to Ishimaru's nearly forgotten erection. He started pumping it at the same speed he was moving his hips. A nice rhythm. Ishimaru felt like he was heaven. He didn't have time to try and hide his enjoyment because before he even knew it, moans found their way out in no time. The two made sweet music together for a solid minute or two before Mondo's hip movements got sloppier and before long he climaxed between Ishimaru's thighs. Ishimaru could feel the thick substance run down his legs and was incredibly thankful they were in the shower and not on his bed. Mondo's hand around Ishimaru's member didn't slow down and kept going till Ishimaru climaxed as well. Mondo chuckled feeling it run down his fingers.
"Feel better now, my love?" He purred hugging Ishimaru from behind. Ishimaru nodded, not really able to form words at the moment.
The pair cleaned themselves up before turning off the shower and then dried themselves off. The two put their underwear and shirts back on, but anything else was left on the bathroom floor. They slipped into Ishimaru's bed and passed out in each other's arms, but not before a very loving makeout session.

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