Chapter 9: Dance

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Once everyone got back to the warehouse, Ishimaru got straight to work making sure everyone was ok and tended to their wounds. Everybody chatted and dried off as Ishimaru finally made it to Mondo to make sure he was ok. He mostly just had a lot of bruises and cuts, nothing too major.
"Do these hurt a lot??" Ishimaru asked, seeing Mondo's leg purple with bruises everywhere.
"Eh not a whole lot, I'm a tough cookie" Mondo grinned, earning a chuckle out of his boyfriend.
"Whatever you say, sugar cookie" Ishimaru retorted.
"If i'm a sugar cookie does that mean i have a sweet ass?" Mondo winked
"No it just means you're sweet in general, dont make it gross you goof" Ishimaru laughed putting a bandaid on Mondo's cheek before kissing it gently "now it'll heal faster" Mondo couldn't help but chuckle at his antics
"You're gonna have to kiss a lot more of me, then. I wanna recoup as quick as I can!" He exclaimed.
Clearly they had forgotten that besides Daiya, none of the gang were aware the two were boyfriends. This was evident because nearly everyone was staring at this point, mostly in surprise or shock. They didn't care about the gay part, they cared about their little Mondo finally dating someone. Daiya jestered for them to stop staring and decided to pda block, as usual.
"Whats up skunky boy" Daiya grinned messing with Mondo's hair
"Not much, why are you here, mister soggy rat" He replied
"No public displays of gay on gang night, stinky skunk" Daiya teased
"It never stops you" Mondo snickered earning a fake gasp from Daiya
"How dare you out me like that in front of your mans" He dramatically cried. "Its no longer raining so i must ask you to leave immediately for hurting my feelings"
"You have to leave too, you have the keys to the house, dingus" Mondo huffed
"Oh yeah" Daiya mumbled "well we all better head out then"
Everybody agreed tiredly and everybody headed home. Then it was just Mondo and Ishimaru. Alone in the warehouse. The rain hadn't stopped completely, it has just drastically lightened up and was no longer thundering and flashing lightning. Just a soft pit pat of raindrops on the top of the warehouse. Ishimaru had just finished putting the last bandages on Mondo when he realized everyone had already left.
"When did everyone leave?? I hardly even noticed" Ishimaru muttered
"Like a few minutes ago" Mondo shrugged
"Oh darn" Ishimaru huffed putting all his first aid stuff back in his bag.
"Y'know, since we're alone for the first time as official boyfriends-" Mondo mumbled a bit shyly "-we could do something that's like romantic or some shit" he blushed lightly
"Romantic? Like what-" Ishimaru asked before being interrupted by Mondo pulling him towards him
"Like dancing, i guess" Mondo vaguely explained as he put a hand on Ishimaru's hip and the other held Ishimaru's hand. Ishimaru figured what he was doing so he put his free hand on Mondo's shoulder
"Then dance we shall, my sugar cookie!" He exclaimed happily, echoing through the warehouse.
The two began to dance in the empty warehouse, at first stumbling over each other and their own feet. But after a while they both got the hang of it and danced to their hearts content. There was so much laughter and smiling that it made their faces hurt. Once their feet were tired, they just sat down on the floor in happy silence. No words were needed, all they could ever want was the other's presence. The two looked at each other happily and before they knew it their lips had connected. This wasn't just their normal peck and blush kiss though, this one was new. It was much longer and more passionate. Before long they found themselves tangling in each other's arms, still connected at the lip. Their cheeks were fiery red but that didn't deter them. Mondo had his arms around Ishimaru's waist and in his hair. Ishimaru's were around Mondo's shoulders, playing with the hair that wasn't pulled back. It just felt right. They were like two puzzle pieces, fit together so perfectly. Two gears spinning flawlessly next to each other. Two halves of one heart.
Mondo pulled Ishimaru closer by gently placing him on his lap for minimal space between them. The two could just barely breathe but it was so worth it. Mondo was tempted to try and take it one step further, but decided Ishimaru was worth taking things slow for. He was patient. And also he wanted to make sure Ishimaru would not be bothered by an unwanted tent in Mondo's trousers. It really do be like that. Fortunately or unfortunately, his boyfriend felt the tension in his own pants as well. The two kissed for a few more minutes before pulling away, panting for breath. They sat their just trying to catch their breath and looking into each other's eyes. Mondo broke the silence as he looked out the door
"I think it might be safe to take you home now" he smiled. Ishimaru nodded and the pair headed home, still intoxicated from their elongated kiss. It was a good kind of high though, almost like an adrenaline rush. Mondo dropped Ishimaru off at his house, first giving him a farewell and goodnight smooch before heading to his own home where his brother was already passed out in his room.
Ishimaru silently walked into his house and up to his room, careful to not wake his dad. So Taka may or may not have snuck out, who cares? He had fun and his dad didn't need to know. His dad couldn't know, or else. 

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