Hue and Min

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History started when two of the most powerful Ravens decided to join forces and rebuild a united kingdom for all the Ravens. Hue supported Min when he asked that Hue give way as Min wanted to be the First King. Hue is contented to be The Prime Minister of The King. However, conflict happened when Morri, the wife of Min, felt betrayed of how the king had mistreated her. The king has shown no love for her. Morri is a gentle soul while Min loves his women wild and fierce and powerful. Broken-hearted Morri flee from the kingdom only to be sought after by Hue. He will never forgive himself if Morri will harm herself.

To make the story short, Morri and Hue fell in love and together they faced the wrath of Min. Min went mad. His pride fueled further his wrath. The kingdom will never see Hue as a traitor for he had given much the same as what Min has given. A duel took place and Min was defeated. He took his own life.

Hue's descendants further divided the kingdom into four, while his main branch retained the seat of power. Dylan is from Hue's bloodline.

He cannot afford to fail in finding the one who will continue Hue's legacy.


Min's bloodline harbored hatred towards Hue and Morri. They were able to build their own clan. Powerful, menacing, dangerous. To avenge Min, war erupted and the two sides of the kingdom became forever enemies. No mercy was placed and soon the population of these majestic specie started decreasing.

Rui came from Min's bloodline. But unlike his ancestors, Rui is very intelligent. His calm exterior has always deceived those who challenged his power. He can be as ruthless if he wants to but he doesn't like violence that much. And so Rui had led their clan into power and prosperity, the same if not more than that of The Royals. He named his empire The New Blood and he always has set his eyes into defeating his main enemy and unite the five kingdoms under his rulings.

He may be savage but perhaps to have Rui as The King is not a bad idea. A kingdom to flourish needs a wise leader and he is that leader.

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