Emma (Executive)

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Hi! I'm Emma, the Founder of this account. My main account on here is Kiradog234. I am also a co-founder of Idiots_Who_Write and Vemma-Writes!

Photography is a hobby of mine, as is Skiing and Horseback Riding. The photo above was taken by me, as you can see, there's still much to be learned 😂

I tend to write Fantasy, but I have begun to expand my horizons and write sci-fi, horror, and romance since they are genres I have always found challenging.

On this account, I am an Executive, with my main focuses being on writing and editing.

I see myself as a relatively average writer, even though I've been writing for around eight years. There are a lot of things I need practice with, but I would say I am particularly good with grammar, spelling, and one-shots.

Editing is probably my strongest point, and is something I really enjoy, which a lot of people do seem to find strange. I've edited a lot as a hobby, for friends and on request. If anyone needs something edited, feel free to shoot me a pm on my main account, I'll be happy to oblige.

My main goals as a writer are to better my writing ability, help others to achieve their best potential, and edit the hell out of anything put in-front of me 😂

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments, and thank you for reading!

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