Chapter 1

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(M/n) - mother name

(F/n) - father name


"Oh god, what did she do this time?"

"Whatever it is! I'm sure (y/n) is very sorry and she will never do it again!"

The parents rush out as soon as they enter the principal office, where their high school age daughter is tapping their fingers on the arm rest of the chair she's sitting on. The principal merely nod his head and gets up from his seat to greet the mother and father.

"Hello, (M/n) and (f/n). Please take a seat" The principal, Richard Vernon, gesture to the seats besides (Y/n), who dully looks at the clock. Wondering how long this will take. The parents took their reserve seat next to (y/n), wondering what (y/n) did this time.

The principal takes a breath in, looking between the two parents and back at the troublemaker in between. Richard brings his hands together to rest on the wooden desk, he then begins the prepare dialogue he made in his head. " (Y/n) (L/n) is an excellent student, getting top marks in her all classes, especially music.", the two parents nod their head. The mother in pride and slight caution, while the father nods impatiently.

"But recently, (Y/n) grades have drop and her behaviour is getting out of hand."Richard pause, " At first, myself and (y/n)'s teachers, agree to let (Y/n) go with warnings. Seeing how her behaviour started with not completing homework and giving, and i quote, "sassy remarks" as to why she can't complete them."

(F/n) snort while shaking his head while (m/n) mutters a soft 'oh god'. All the while (y/n) sits, waiting to go home. " originally, we all hope that (y/n) soon will stop this and get her grades up when she regains common sense", (Y/n) scoffs at this, earning herself stern glares from the three adults, "but it seems that won't be happening." Richard explains continue to give (y/n) a stern glaze. In which (y/n) stare boredly back.

"And why's that?" (M/n).

The principal takes a pause before revealing the crime that (y/n) has caused and what a tale it is. As said teen only chuckles and remembers what she did. Oh, how much fun it was.

- Early that day -

The school bell rings it's shrilling noise, signalling to the crowded halls that it's time for class. Lockers close with loud bangs as students grab their brick like books, to then push and shove their way through the sea of other students to their class room.

All expect one student. Once the sea of students slowly disappear within their class room, leaving the halls empty to one individual. (Y/n) whistle a quiet tone as she makes her way to her red locker. Listening to another song on her cassette tape, something she is known to do. Ignoring the world to the rhythm of music.

That and get all the possible awards for music there is.

Once grabbing all she needs for english, she gently close her (messy/neat) locker and head up the stairs for English. Hitting stop on her music when in front of her class room door. Y/n walks in the classroom, not caring if she's fifteen minutes late.

"Ah, late again (Last/name)", the teacher greet as alway, with the same tone of disappointment.

"I'm not late, you guys are just early" came (y/n)'s go-to response. The teacher sighs as (y/n) walk pass and sit at her desk in the back. Students chuckling and making remarks of hoping for a new come back.

"Well, maybe you should be early for once then, you'll be able to do some extraordinary work, like the rest of us.", the teacher comment back. Earning a few laughs from the class and a huff from the late girl.

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