- a few weeks ago -
"hello good morning students, i'm Han Ji Woo, the math club president, please if you are interested in joining, you can raise your hands"
welp, i heard that all the club presidents will split up and promote their clubs,
well, personally i would like to join the journalism club,
i just felt comfortable about writing some articles and i also want to try my english skills,
katy, infact, is my english name,
a british Kim Katy.
some people, about five of my classmates decides to join the math club.
including sooyoung unnie,
good luck to her then.
a couple of minuted later, after the history club decided and asked,
the journalism club president came,
and yes i did raise my hand,
im excited!
crush | rewriting.
Randomwhere kim yerim meets the man of her 'dreams'. later on finding out the alternate meaning of "crush" - s t a t u s ! [ ] on-going [ ] on-hold [ • ] completed - @httpstays