Ch1- Boarding the train

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Another year back at Hogwarts and you're about to board the train. All alone again, like every year, and your twin brother has run off to talk with his friends. You watch as he walks over to them and you take a glance at his friends. His friends are annoying; they are always teasing you but you ignore those memories as your eyes dart to Cedric. You sigh while you stare at him and his beautiful hair as you think about the memories from childhood. You remember the tree house you helped your dad build for you, the endless days of laughter and the family barbeques... but you're in sixth year now and you don't talk too often unless you see him in the halls or your brother talks about how annoying you are. Even then Cedric probably remembers you as a friend and even if he did ever like you he has a girlfriend now. Cedric's girlfriend is beautiful, her hair is always flawless and happens to be one of the smartest Ravenclaws in Hogwarts.Cho Chang, why wouldn't Cedric like Cho more than you think still staring at Cedric? You quickly snap back to reality when he catches you staring at him. You blush and head onto the train while Cedric chuckles to himself.

You walk onto the train and find an empty carriage and put your bags up on the shelf. As you do the door slides open causing you to drop the bag on lollies you had in you hands (your parents give you them every year so you don't have to buy from the trolley lady). As you stare at the door Cedric walks in, alone for some reason because he always seems to have his friends with him. He is the most popular boy in school after all. He walks up to you and picks up your lollies.

"Thank you" you say and laugh, "What are you doing here? Why aren't you with you with your friends?"

"All the other carriages are full and I offered to swap. I didn't know you were in here," he pauses and smiles "Where are your friends?" He laughs a little at the end.

"Friends huh?" You laugh nervously and sit down. Cedric sits down next to you and tries to comfort you "Sorry... I didn't know it would hit a nerve." he says. Of course he wouldn't know.. The boy is oblivious, well when it comes to you at least. You haven't had close friends since... Well since before Cedric left and became Mr Popular Handsome dude, but he has always been like that in your eyes.

" What a Hufflepuff." You say, laughing it off. He laughs and you smile back. For the rest of the trip you and Cedric reminisce about all the good times together you had when you were younger.

 It amazed you that he remembered so much, you just assumed he never cared about you anymore and forgot.

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