Ch4- Getting prepared

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After you eat, you get your timetables and take a look at your classes: Transfiguration, Positions, Herbology, History of magic, Care of magical creatures, DADA and Arithmancy.

"Hey look, we have the same classes together! Thank merlin, I was scared to think I would be alone." She bursts out exited.

"Really? Same classes? This year is going to be so much fun." You say meeting her smile with your equally wide one.

"Yeah!" She says, "I want to go get my things ready for class tomorrow! Maybe you can take me round Hogsmeade, I have heard people talking about how fun it is."

"we have to go to Zonko's joke shop, you'll love it there." You exclaim and start to head back to the common room.

You begin sorting and arranging your quills and books ready for the next day while Emma is in the bathroom.

"A few girls I met in the bathroom invited me to Hogsmeade mind going with them? You can bring Cedric?" Emma announces as she returns. You shake your head and laugh.

"I'll go, of course, but there is no way I can get Cedric to even look at me let alone go to Hogsmeade." You tell her looking for your Arithmancy textbook

"Come on try he's only like, not talked to you for a day. What's the worst that could happen?" Emma's says somewhat positive.

"Not helping, but fine I'll try." You reply finally finding the textbook. After finish getting changed to looking relatively presentable you head out of the common room with the girls Emma met.

"You gonna ask him?" Emma says and you shake your head, "oh come on Y/n!" She finishes.

"ok ok I'll go find him." You head back to the common room while Emma waits outside. You got walk back in but accidentally bump into someone,

"Cedric! Uh hi, Just the person I wanted to see um, I was wond-" you get cut off by him.

He stutters and doesn't make eye contact, "I'm sorry I need to go" You turn to stop him, but he walks away and passes Emma leaving you standing in the doorway confused.

"I guess that's a no?"

"yeah but its ok, he just doesn't want to talk to me... it's understandable though..." there is a long pause, "any way, let's go have fun it is your first time at Hogsmeade after all."

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