Ch5- First day

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After spending the whole day showing Emma the best parts of Hogsmeade you come back with an abundance of lollies and magical practical jokes.

"So much for getting me school supplies." Emma says laughing and tripping as if she got drunk of the butter beer you had at the three broom sticks. You manage to pick her off her feet and get to the great hall just in time for dinner.

"What's up with you?" Emma says pouty, you jump and look at her

"Cedric isn't not here yet." You answer.

"I know I should show some sympathy, but we just had the bestest time together and you insist on going on about Cedric?" Emma replies.

"I know, I know, and I did have an amazing time, but he never misses a meal." You exclaim searching the great hall expecting him to show at any moment.

"Uhuh leave it to you to have all his mealtimes documented in a book." Emma chuckles sipping her pumpkin juice.

"it's not like that Emma," You deny and you elbow her causing her she to spill her drink. "I- merlin I'm sorry!" You can't help but laugh at her pumpkin juice drenched plate of food as you awkwardly fumble to clean it up.

After that playful conversation and mishap, the two of you finish your delicious meal and plan to call it a night.

You wake up the next day to your owl tapping on the window wanting to get in. You rub your eyes to adjust to the light and let her in. You take the note from the bird's mouth and open it, it reads:

Dear our dearest daughter Y/n,

Your mother and I hope that your first day back at of school goes fine. Are you organised? Got your books? Your robes washed? New friends? We miss you so much already, just like every year! Keep an eye on your brother, we hope he isn't getting into too much trouble. We hope to send more letters but for now we just want to check in make sure your sorted.

Love Mum and Dad

Ps from mum, if any boy takes your fancy invite him over to the farm one day.

Love you honey.

You finish reading with a grin on your face, mum has always wanted you to bring a boy over, you roll your eyes and chuckle to yourself

"Who's it from? A love letter from Cedric?" Emma says as she sees you smiling to you self.

You jump a little and laugh, "I wish, I mean, no, it's just a funny letter from my parent!" You say then realise, "oh I'm sorry, your parents..."

"oh no it's ok." There's a small pause, "Let's get ready and head to breakfast. Merlin I am so freaking excited!"

After breakfast you walk to your first class of 6th year, Care of Magical Creatures. As you head down to the clearing near Hagrid's hut, monstrous book of monsters in hand, you see Cedric walking in front of you after a while you notice how often he seems to be alone.

You run up to him, "Hey Cedric we need to talk, I know we never used to talk but since the train ride and the courtyard I've considered you a friend again and wa-"

Cedric stops walking and you stumble to stop next to him.

"Stop Y/n we can't talk like this."

"I understand what you're going through, Cedric I-" You reply trying to sound comforting.

"No Y/n you don't, you've never had any friends let alone a boyfriend so just leave me ... please." His harsh words hit you in the heart like a dagger, he has never said words that sting so much but even so his voice quivers

"Ced...." you say softly but it's too late he's left down the steps. Emma rushes up to you as she sees stream down your face.

"y/n!" She says concerned

"Cedric has never, would never say something like that to me. Cho must have hurt him bad." Emma pulls you into a hug. Cedric turns to look at you and sees you cry but he just runs off faster.

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