Ch7- Happier?

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You fix yourself up and end up deciding to head down to breakfast early. When you and Emma reach the great hall, you see that no one is there yet no one but Cedric. Your heart both flutters and drops.

Is this when he comes to eat? just to avoid people? to avoid me?

Emma sees the look on your face and encourages you to go talk to him. You tell her no, but she insists. After a few minutes of silent arguing and hand waving you walk over to him. Cedric is sitting in his usually empty spot, reading the daily prophet. You passively approach and sit next to him. Cedric looks directly into your eyes and goes to walk away.

It may have only been two days of him ignoring me, well not including the four years of not speaking, but it hurts...

You decide he's not getting away this time and so you grab his wrist to stop him.

"Let go please." Cedric whispers hiding his face. You see the tears running down his face.

"Cedric...I'm sorry, but I will not let you go," You say trying to be forceful "you will come with me and tell me what's wrong please" your tone soften feeling bad.

"Okay, fine." he says and leads you to the courtyard.

The two of you sit on a bench next to each other.

"Talk." Cedric says looking at the ground

"Cedric you know what... I may be overreacting however I've really never had a good friend... I mean I have Emma now but when we were talking on the train it was and yet you go and shut me out again. I understand that things with Cho must be hard but you yourself told me it's not my fault. So why?" You say on the verge of tears.

"Y/n... you're right I've been out of it. It's humiliating to say but the real reason Cho broke up with me wasn't because I hung out with you but because she found someone better than me. She went on to say that I was a lame excuse of a boyfriend, that I'm lazy and unlovable. I'm sorry it's been hard to trust anyone because I feel as though they might betray me." he starts to cry, and you pull him into a big hug, something he needed.

"Oh, Cedric you really should have said something. I'm so sorry."

"I know I should have said something I jus- do you forgive me?" He says finally looking up at you. Eyes red and wet from crying

"Of course I do thank you for talking I know its been tough but I love yo-" you stop yourself. "I'd love... to be friends again"

You both stand and go to the Hufflepuff common room to get ready for class. You see people starting at you but you just give them a 'no' look, leaving the 'I wish' look too Emma. The rest of the day goes by swimmingly and it make you extremely happy to see that Cedric is happy as well.

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