Ch2- At Hogwarts

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You soon arrive at Hogwarts and Cedric walks out with you off the train. Before you get the chance to tell Cedric how much fun you had talking, laughing and eating lollies he is pulled away by Cho who has a very angry look on her face but you decide to not get involved and make your way to the castle. Once you make it to the great hall you notice a girl getting sorted with the first years, she looks to be about your age. As she is older, she gets sorted first. you think about how this could be your chance to have a real friend for once. You close your eyes and listen for what house she will be in.

"Hmmmm I know exactly what to do with you... HUFFLEPUFF!" the sorting hat announces and the whole of Hufflepuff house erupted in applause. The new girl comes and sits next to you.

"Hello!" She says in a cheery tone "I'm Emma, nice to meet you."

"Hey, I'm Y/n " you say smiling more than humanly possible.

"Wow what a pretty name! I can't wait for classes here and I can tell we are going to be best friends!" Emma states and you laugh to yourself with the biggest grin ever because it's crazy that this girl you just met wants to be friends, or is that how all friendships work?

"Y/n look I'm in your dormitory!" Emma says, you smile as you finish your meal and nod for Emma to follow you back to your dorms. The whole way there your smile never leaves your face, to think you will finally have someone to share a room with.

As you exit the great hall you pass by Cedric who looks miserable to say the least. Emma sees you staring intently at Cedric and winks at you, but something seems off. As you go to turn the corner Cedric grabs you by your wrist. You stumble round and meet him in the eye.

"Hey, um I want to talk to you" he says softly

"Uh sure Cedric what is it?" You reply. He glances at Emma

"I'm sure I can find my way from here. See you later" Emma says as she notices Cedric doesn't want her there. Cedric nods a thanks to her and has you follow him to the courtyard.

"What's wrong Ced you don't look so happy." it feels weird calling him Ced after so long of not being close, but Cedric still has the same sad look on his face and it's your mission to find out why.

"it's Cho," he turns to you as tears start to well in his eyes. You look at him with sympathy "-she broke up with me, she said I 'abandoned' her on the train to hang out with you... I came to tell you it's not your fault..." Cedric says choking on his words.

"I'm sorry Cedric" You reply after listening. "If she gets upset enough to break up with you about that then maybe she is not worth it..." You say hoping to make him feel better, but it probably wasn't the best thing to say right after he was broken up with. Thankfully he laughs a little and wipes his eyes.

"Thanks Y/n, I'm sorry for springing this on you and bothering you, we had a nice time reconnecting and the boys wouldn't understand emotions you know?" he says before you both stand up.

"Hey, it's cool-" he brings you into a tight hug "-you could never bother me" you pull out of the hug with a face as red as the gryffindor robes not completely realising what just happened.

"Thanks again...Y/n." as he walks away, he says goodnight and you say it back. You head to your dormitory all giddy and excited to tell your new friend about the hug but when you get to the common room you find Emma sitting waiting for you looking much more serious than when you met just a few hours ago.

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