To My One and Only,
I'm very fortunate to have met you as young as I am. You complete me in a way that no one else can.
Love is different for everyone, but what we have is irreplaceable.
I couldn't imagine life without you, and I am so thankful for you.You support me through everything.
It's honestly the best feeling in the world to have someone in my life telling me they believe in me no matter what, and that they know if I put my mind to something I can do it. You always encourage me in life, you tell me that I can do anything.You make me so humbled.
Sometimes we struggle but you find ways to make everything feel okay in the end. You work hard for everything you have, and you don't take anything for granted.You always make me feel loved.
If it's spoiling me with the foods I like when I say I'm hungry or getting me a random surprise (eventhough you end up telling me about it. Lols!), it always lets me know that you truly care for me. You just want to make me happy and it's evident through your every action.I know that sometimes we argue, but what is so special about our relationship is that at the end of the day, we always BOTH apologize (but most of the times, it's you), even if we know the other person is wrong.
You teach me patience, and that pride isn't always a good thing to hold onto. You never let me go to bed upset, angry, or anything other than happy.
You always make me feel beautiful, even when I'm feeling really gross.
You pay attention to the little things I do that make me feel pretty and you always acknowledge a particular shirt or the way my haircut or even my lipstick, and you tell me I'm beautiful.Even when you've had the worst day of your life, you always have an ear and a shoulder for me to gossip about my day.
You make me feel wanted, and like all my words are valuable.
You never make my problems seem less than yours but you also never let me think my problems are worse either.I could go on and on, but I'll end with this.. I am so blessed to have you in my life. You are so undeniably the love of my life and I can't wait to continue this journey with you by my side. You make me so proud and I love you more than I can put into words.
Happy 2nd Anniversary, my love! 😘
Hoping to be with you soon. 😶🙄😪
RomanceThis is just a compilation of everything I dedicated for my ever-loving handsome boyfriend. :"> ♥ Feel free to read. :***