Chapter 45 ~ Hermione

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Sorry about the intense posting streak. I'm trying to finish up Fandom High as soon as I can. I'll be taking a break on the Fandom schooling for a bit after I finish, so I can focus on my other fanfiction, Far From You. Please check it out!

This chapter is just a motivating valedictorian speech, not anything big.

Disclaimer: The speech was not written by me.

"Introducing our valedictorian, Hermione Granger."

I give a slight nod of my head and step forward.

The gown covers my dress, which I'm grateful for.

Ron was staring at me before.

I clear my throat, and speak into the mic, my voice clear and powerful.

"I could go back and reminisce about the last four years. Instead I think it's more important to focus on where we will be in the next four years. Whether it's baking great bread, cooking up laws in the senate, teaching futures generations, or creating new music, all of us must make sure the word success is associated with what we do.

We must concentrate on enhancing our futures and setting great examples for those who love us and for those who will follow us. We must be tomorrow's positive images. Our actions must make a statement and send a clear message. One that says, wherever we come from, whatever we have, or don't have, whatever our color, sex or cultural background, we can be partners in success and we can achieve greatness together,

In order to have high self esteem, confidence, and motivation we must be willing to work diligently and have a keen understanding of how far we can go. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Let us leave a trail others will be proud to follow.

If you feel at any point, that life is becoming too hard and that obstacles are coming from left and right. Please don't panic. Remember that life can get better, if we have the right tools to work with. Tools like a positive attitude, an education, the right friends and fierce determination.

Class of 2014, It is up to all of you to make a difference, to have people say honorable things about you and leave the impression that you never gave up on yourselves. Society is counting on you. Excellence is never an accident- it's the result of hard work. Go forward, work hard, and attain excellence; the kind of excellence that will make your dreams reality. A secure future can be reality you must visualize tomorrow - a safe, happy, prosperous tomorrow and make it happen.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the teachers and administrators who worked so hard to make us reach this commencement ceremony. To my heroes, Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, thank you for not letting me into a great black hole. My fellow students, I treasure your unconditional love and support. Parents, I hope I made you proud.

Class of 2014, good luck and remember graduation is only the beginning. Thank you."

Then I smile as the crowd roars into stomps, applause, and whistles.

"That was our valedictorian, Hermione Granger."

DISCLAIMER: This speech is not written by me, iFandoms.

The last chapter will be told by Tris just to wrap things up, and well, after that, it'll be the end! I'll post some information about the sequel. I'm beginning to write up Chapter FourTris (46) now.

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