Chapter 1: The Beginning

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'I remember this place

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'I remember this place.' A girl who was 20 years old walked into an old abandoned cabin. The girl let her fingers trace a design that was edged into the walls. The girl was only 4'11 and had blackish brown hair with forest green eyes. This place that was located in the middle of a snowy mountain was where... she grew up.

'Where we grew up.' The girl corrected herself as she took a stroll down memory lane. Images kept filtering into her mind and she just couldn't stop them. For some reason, she could never stop them. She remembered when she tried to do something about it, it almost got her killed and in the end... it always led her back here. 'Back to the place where it all began.' The girl couldn't help but muse at that thought.

This place was where the girl's grandmother raised them. The girl couldn't help but let out a sad chuckle. 'Where she raised Lex and I.' The young women missed her greatly. She knew that it wasn't good to mourn the dead for so long, but she couldn't help it. Her grandmother had died a couple of years ago. Not long after that, her own mother including Lex's remaining family had died too. It was hard and heart wrenching but... they got through it.

The girl gripped her fist as she took a look at her and Lex's room. 'As long as we have each other, we'll both be fine.' After thinking that, she grabbed a hold of her grandma's necklace. It was given to her before she passed away. Staring at it, she couldn't help but sigh in sadness. This was her grandmother's prized possession. The reason for that could have been the fact that it was given to her grandmother from her grandfather. Looking at it, it was an odd piece of jewelry. Most people would have found it odd or creepy. However, the girl always found it so fascinating and relaxing. She didn't know why but it brought a soothing feeling to her. It felt sacred and it felt as if it would protect her from harm's way. At first glance, one can tell that it was missing its counterpart. But that was to be expected since her grandfather had given it to her grandmother. Rubbing the alien looking serpent for the last time, the girl placed it back in her shirt.

Walking around the cabin, the girl let her thoughts drift back to her grandfather. He was such a mystery. It was the same with their father. Neither of the girls has seen either of them and it hurt them sometimes. What kind of father would just leave their kids alone? It was a questioned that bothered the girl majority of her life and as she grew up, she still couldn't understand it. As such she became cold towards men while her sister became the opposite of her. Even though, both girls have heard stories of them. It didn't satisfy her compared to her beloved sister, Lex. While Lex sat there listening to their grandmother's stories about them, she ignored them. She heard it all. How they were so strong, smart and cunning. How they could fight animals with just their bare fist and how they loved us.

The girl knew it was all lies and as such, she refused to listen to them. Even though she knew that, she couldn't help but hope. Hope that one day, that what her grandma said was true. She stopped as a scene played before her eyes.

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