A/N Welcome to the Jackpot Chapter! These 'Chapters' will frequently grace this book. Our Jackpot Chapters will cover flashbacks, time jumps, and POVs from characters other than Semaj & Giovanni. I hope you all enjoy this Jackpot Chapter!

Aniya POV
If I said I was tired, I would would be lying my ass off. After being home with my son for three weeks, I was completely exhausted. Although everyone has been helping, it's still been taking a toll on my body. It's hard not sleeping at night when the baby is home, yet I can hardly get myself to sleep when he's not here. It's like I need a break, but I miss him too much.

Not to mention, I've been wrecking my brain about our date night. These last few weeks have been amazing. Mario and I are getting along better than before. Plus having the baby around lightens the mood. My excitement about this date night did nothing to help my exhaustion. After our talk at the hospital, I realized then that there was a lot that Mario and I needed to talk about.

When he asked me about the date, all kinds of thoughts went through my mind. I fought hard to keep my emotions at bay, seeing as though that was the first time we had even so much as sat alone in a room. All precautions flew out the room and I found myself questioning all over again.

Yet a little piece of me pushed all emotions aside and over powered the hurt I was feeling. Simply because he was my only and the way he poured his heart out to me had my mind racing a thousand miles a minute. I held my composure because it wasn't the time to be lusting over my baby daddy. No, it was time for me to get the answers that I didn't get that night.

Although I have to admit, seeing him made it even harder for me to stay upset with him. Of course I know that it's gonna take some time for us to get back to where we are suppose to be, but in all actuality my trust was and still is fucked up. It will undoubtably be a long road ahead of us.

I continued to pack Jam's baby bag since Maj and King would be watching him during our date. I grabbed the pre-pumped breast milk from the fridge, as well as a pack of wipes, pampers, clean bottles with new nipples, two extra sleepers, t-shirts, bibs, extra hats, and his pacifiers. I took the bag downstairs, sitting it by the front door before grabbing his car seat and making my way to his nursery.

I sat the car seat by the door and walked over to his crib. I cooed watching him suck on his fingers. I gently pulled his fingers out of his mouth before picking him up. I swiftly moved around the room grabbing other items he would need. After stuffing everything into the car seat, I made my way back downstairs.

Just as I was sitting the car seat on the floor the doorbell rang. I quickly made my way to the door to be greeted by Maj and King. Maj was smiling hard as hell and King looked unbothered.

"Hi Jammy Jam. My stinky butt, I missed you." She whispered as I handed him over to her. She brushed past me and went to sit on the couch.

"Damn I don't get no hey? Some best friend you are." I said playfully rolling my eyes.

"Bitch I just talked to you on the phone. Get over yourself lil head fucker." She hissed just above a whisper.

"Bitch why you keep whispering? He ain't gone wake up if he already woke." I chuckled.

"Whew chile, I didn't think I was gone make it." She said in a regular tone before laughing as well.

"King how the hell do you deal with her?" I said looking over to see he was knocked out.

"Giovanni wake yo ass up, we ain't even been here five minutes and you over there sleeping all comfortable and shit. You ain't no damn parent, wake the hell up." She said throwing a pillow at him. He jumped up glaring between the both of us.

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