Chapter 3: Tease

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The live finished like every other. we join hands, Ruki says a few words and we jump together just before going backstage. Naturally I would stop and grab something to eat from the snack table, but instead i grabbed a single bottle of water and followed the familiar messy black haired man to the dressing room while the others hung around the table.

See I noticed Aoi acting strange throughout the Live so i decided to figure out what was wrong. Once inside the dressing room a stage hand came to give me my main guitar, after that it was just me and Aoi behind a closed door. I leaned on the door for a moment looking over at Aoi, who had his back to me, "Hey" I said  not getting a response, only a simple wave of his hand.

I continued to stare at his back while i stripped off my sweaty shirt and threw it into a basket for all our dirty clothes. As I starred I could tell Aoi noticed because his neck started to turn red. I tilted my head in curiosity as I grabbed a white t-shirt and walked over to him.

I leaned forward as I approached Aoi i when i looked into his face he jumped back a bit, out of surprise. I noticed a small blush come across his face. " why are you so close?" he asked as he backed away and put his black t-shirt over his bare chest. I moved closer and said "cuz i'm worried about you, you've seemed off today... mind telling me why"

The blush on Aoi's face grew as he moved away again and said " I don't know what you're talking about 'wait a second' i thought to myself as I stepped closer again while simultaneously watching aoi slide away. 'does he?' I continued to think as I tilted my head and asked " why are you avoiding  me?" Aoi glanced at me before everything his eyes to the floor "I'm not .. you're just really close .. and we both really stink." he said slowly almost as if he had to think of an excuse.

'no way!' my mind screamed 'Aoi is stuttering, he's blushing...he doesn't want to be close to me this Aoi?... he's never acted like this... so why now.. why when we're alone.. could he... could he possibly have something for me' As my mind explored possibilities I simply starred at Aoi and examined his figure as he got dress under my uncomfortable gaze.

After he had pulled on his jeans I had decided that I would test out my theory by becoming the biggest tease i could. so i stepped forward and like before Aoi stepped away. I took a few more steps until Aoi was against the wall. He tried to slide away but i put my hand on the wall beside his head and when he tried to go the other way i did the same thing. so now i had both my hands on either side of his head forcing him to stay in place while we locked eyes.

Aoi's face changed from scarlet to crimson "m-move ... I stink and I need to get my shoes" he said looking away. I leaned in a little ans whispered " your shoes can wait ... besides...." i said before sniffing a little " you don't smell that bad?'

Just as Aoi looked back into my eyes our faces grew closer and just when i though something was going to happen the dressing room door swung open and i instinctively back away. luckily  we were on the opposite side of the door  and the didn't immediately see us, but when Kai walked in he stopped mid-stride and looked at my shirtless figure standing in front of a crimson Aoi.

"what are you two doing?" he asked as Aoi nervously pulled out his cigarette's to smoke, and that gave me an idea "oh"i said looking back at Kai " I just wanted to ask if i could get a smoke , im fresh out" Kai nodded and gave me an "ohhh" kind of look  before he walked over to ruki and reita. 

Meanwhile I looked back at Aoi who had managed to slip away while i was distracted. His blush was fading but still there and that made me smile as i walked over and leaned on his back my mouth close to his ear as I asked " my cigarette?"

The blush that faded now returned as he quickly pulled out a cigarette and handed it to me. "thanks" i said before not walking but strutting away to where my bags and all sat. After walking to the mirror and looking at it, I could see in the reflection that Aoi was covering his blushing face as he stared at my ass 'looks like I was right' I thought as I continued to change 'oh i will have some fun with this'

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