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School started again, and our group fell into our old routine. I was back to hating Ellie, but it was one sided. She didn't hate me back. In fact, she did everything she could to win me over again. She bought me chips at lunch, which I gave to Jack, and she gave me her homework to copy for science for a week straight. I did it on my own anyways. Finn and I were doing well. We hung out after school a couple times, but nothing major. I hadn't spent any time with Jack since new years. We still sat together on the way to school though. January went by quickly, and soon it was february. We hadn't gotten any more snow, much to my dismay. We didn't really have anything to look forward to, until Jack and Finn brought something exciting up at lunch one day.

"Guess what Friday is," Jack said through a mouthful of my sandwich I'd given him.

"Valentines Day!" Finn cheered.

"Oh, I love that holiday! Jack, wanna come over that night? We can, uh, hang out," Ellie said.

"How romantic," I said sarcastically. The boys exchanged exasperated glaces. It was obvious something had happened between Ellie and I, but the boys didn't know what.

"Finn and I were thinking we could do a double dinner date. Sound good?" Jack smiled, breaking the tension.

"I'm in," Ellie said. It would be really fun, but on the other hand it would be awkward. Ellie's like, in love with Finn, and I hated her for it. Seeing her pretend to like Jack all night would be like torture.

"What about you Mads," Finn asked. He was sitting across the table from me, and took my hand in his. I mean it might not be the most fun, but how could I say no to a date night with Finn? And free time with Jack.

"Alright, fine."

"Yay," Finn grinned, squeezing my hand.

"Wanna come over before so we can get ready?" Jack asked Finn, who agreed.

"But I don't wanna go alone..." Ellie sighed. "Finn and I live closer together. Can we get ready together and then Jack and Madison can get ready together? It's probably easier."

There was no way I was going to let Ellie and Finn spend extra time together if Ellie liked him.

"Why don't you... come to my house to get ready," I mumbled reluctantly.

"Sure," Ellie smiled. I rolled my eyes. Again, the boys exchanged confused glances.

Soon enough, it was Friday. The boys refused to tell us where we were going for dinner, but I heard them whisper something about pasta, which sounded good to me. Finn gave me chocolates at school and promised there was more to come tonight. Our science teacher had given us lollipops in honor of the occasion, and Jack managed to stain his whole mouth purple from the candy.

"I can't look like this tonight," Jack whined, vigorously rubbing his tongue with a tissue as we walked to the bus after school.

"I'll help you get it off tonight," Finn offered, trying his best not to laugh.

"You're the best," Jack smiled.

I had returned home and had just completed my homework with fifteen minutes before Ellie was supposed to come over. The boys were picking us up at 6:00, and we had reservations for 6:30 at our mystery restaurant. I had already gotten dressed, and I was wearing a red sweater and white jeans because they were typical valentine's colors. I had applied some light makeup, which was more than I usually did, and ran a straightener through my hair. I was bored and a bit nervous, so I put on some music on my record player Jack had gifted me for Christmas, and decided to paint my nails red while I waited for Ellie.

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