thirty nine

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The next few weeks went by faster than anyone expected. We had more homework than ever before and review sessions almost every day after school. Before we knew it, the last day of classes was upon us. I surprisingly was pretty sad. Normally I'd be more than ready for summer, but this year was different. I had Finn and Jack and Ellie, and they made school enjoyable. They were all leaving in a week, and I'd be stuck here, bored out of my mind.

"Why don't you get a job?" Jack suggested as we got off the bus one last time. We had our arms linked for old times sake. Finn and Ellie were behind us, but they soon branched off when we entered the school building.

"Maybe, I don't know. I guess that might be fun, and I could make some money," I shrugged. The atmosphere in the school was different today. It was apparent everyone was checked out for the year, even if we still had finals. People kept stopping in the halls to talk and hug, and I had to stop multiple times on the way to English so Jack could talk to his friends passing by.

"I see you're all dressed for summer!" Our English teacher had remarked. It was true. I was wearing shorts and a tank top, like most of the girls in my class. Jack was wearing a baggy shirt and shorts that ended just above his knee. "Well, too bad it's not summer yet. Here's another review packet," she added.
That's pretty much how the rest of the day went. Non-academic classes, like gym and college prep, were fun. We went outside and played kickball, but Jack and I didn't feel like playing so we walked around the field instead. We ate lunch outside too, taking in the almost-summer air as much as we could. Even though classes were ending today, we still had non-stop review until our last test next week.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," I frowned, taking a bite of the salad I had packed for lunch. Jack picked out a carrot and shoved it in his mouth.

"I'm gonna miss you too. I still can't believe we actually became friends this year. I hated your guts like nine months ago. Look at us now," Ellie reminisced.

"It's ok, we're gonna facetime you every single day," Jack assured me, kissing the top of my head.

The day ended as quickly as it had started. The final bell rang, and summer commenced. Sort of. Jack wanted to go to the beach after school, but we had our first final tomorrow and the rest of us agreed that was a terrible idea.

"Well, this is it. Our last bus ride," I sighed, holding Jack's hand as we stepped onto the bus.

"There's always next year," Finn reminded me, boarding the bus close behind us.

"Unless you die over the summer," I groaned, sliding into our usual seats one last time.

"Dude, you need more friends. I don't even know how you're considered popular," Finn commented.

"Fuck off. Not my fault you're my best friends who also happen to be my only friends," I pointed out. The bus ride was like every other bus ride we've had all year, but I still felt sentimental. This bus was where I first saw Finn, who, whether I liked it or not, pretty much changed my life. It almost felt too soon when the bus pulled to a stop on Ellie's street. I was seeing her later during the week for exams, but seeing her step off the bus made my heart sink. Finn was off next. He gave me and Jack hugs before leaving. Finally, it was Jack's turn. The bus stopped, and Jack got up.

"I'm gonna miss our bus rides. See you soon," he said, kissing my forehead and walking away.

The next morning was our spanish exam. I was up late studying, but not too late, because I needed to be well rested. I arrived at school early because there was no way I was going to be late for a final exam. A few people were already waiting, milling around outside the testing room.

"Hola," I heard Finn say, turning as he walked up to me.

"Hola Finn," I responded.

"Yo esto nervoso," he sighed.

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