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Later that day at rest hour, which is when everyone goes to their respective cabins and hangs out, the campers tried to lighten the mood. Even if they didn't know what happened it was still very obvious that something was wrong. Of course, they did know and that made it even more awkward.

Tom was afraid to look at Tord, not wanting to show any sign of welcoming, 'What he did was wrong. We should've gotten to know each other better or he could have at least asked' Tom tried to reason with himself. 

On the other hand, Tord was trying to catch Tom's eye every few seconds. He so desperately wanted to explain everything. 

The campers picked up on Tord's attempts to talk to Tom. Edd's face brightened as he got an idea.

"Hey, Tom and Tord," Edd said, mischief in his tone. The two counselors looked up, curious about what Edd was saying.

"Can you guys go into the counselors room for a second? We wanted to play never have I ever but you can't be here," the boy with the green hoodie asked ever so sweetly.

"Um.... sure," Tom said, not excited about going into a compact room with Tord, but willing to respect his camper. He turned and walked into the room, his co- counselor following him.

"Hey, what was that all about?" Paul asked, confused.

"They have to make up somehow. I thought it would be a good idea to give them a little nudge in the right direction," Edd explained.

"Do you think that's really a good idea? You saw how Tom wouldn't even look at Tord," Oscar was unsure about Edd's intent.

"Oh it'll be fine."


will it be fine??? will they rip each others throats out??? to find out, tune in next time. also my hero academia is very good and i highly recommend it

roses are red

edd has a plan

panic! at the disco's really good

yesterday i ate flan 

(i know they dont rhyme dont kill me)

What Happened at Camp (TOMTORD) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now