Chapter 5

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By the time Carrie got back downstairs, it was already 7:30 pm. Carrie was very self-conscious about the diaper, even though she knew that the other girls probably knew she was wearing it. Gabby was having a rough time, not looking at Carrie's diapered behind, so Lydia suggested that it was a good time to order the food. They had coupons from several places, and finally settled on a Megablock pizza from Antonio's. Gabby called in the order while everyone else got plates and silverware out. One by one, the girls went into the bathroom to shower and dress for bed.

The pizza arrived so Tammy and Lydia went into the kitchen to get drinks. While in the kitchen, Lydia set their plan in motion, she crushed a sleeping pill and dumped it into the blue glass and filled all of them with soda. Tammy carried the glasses out, passing one to each of the girls, making sure that Carrie got the blue one. Once the pizza and drinks were doled out, the movie marathon began. They watched Sleepless in Seattle first, and then The Witches of Eastwick. Carrie started feeling strangely sleepy near the end of the first movie, and by the middle of the second, she couldn't hold her eyes open. The odd drowsy feeling pulled at her, taking her farther and farther down the road to dreamland. Try as she might, she couldn't stay awake, and by the end of the second movie, she was fast asleep.

Angie was the first to notice Carrie's trouble staying awake. She gently nudged Lydia and nodded toward Carrie. The two girls grinned at each other, knowing that Carrie would soon be at their mercy.

Once the girls noticed that Carrie was fast asleep, they waited yet another half hour, just to be sure, then began the transformation of Carrie. They gently took her out of the sleeping bag and removed Carrie's nightie and panties, leaving the girl naked, except for the diaper around her waist. Tammy pulled over the diaper bag that had been hidden on the back porch and retrieved a onsie from it, along with changing supplies and a digital camera. Lydia put two fingers into the leg of Carrie's diaper, checking for wetness, and was shocked when she discovered it was indeed wet, soaked rather.

"She must not have wanted to miss any of the movies." She thought to herself

As soon as Carrie was fully dressed, Tammy began snapping off pictures on the camera. Lydia started to unbutton Carrie's onsie and Tammy asked, "What'cha doing? You gonna go through with this, aren't ya?"

Lydia giggled and said, "No, no, that's not it, she's soaked. It's probably a good thing we put this baby back into diapers, she would have soaked her sleeping bag if we hadn't."

All the other girls looked shocked, then Angie spoke up, "You mean she actually WET?!"

Lydia looked up from changing her sister and said, with a grin on her face, "Wet? Soaked is more like it, just feel how heavy this diaper is" as she passed the used diaper to her friend.

Angie held the diaper under the bottom and weighed it in her hand. She seemed confused, "I thought your sister hadn't wet the bed for a while?"

"She hasn't wet the bed, before this, for about three years now, it's weird why she should start now." She said, as she gave the matter some thought "Ahh, it must be the sleeping pill. It probably put her into such a deep sleep that she can't feel the need to pee."

Angie laughed, "This is perfect! Now when she asks us why she's being treated like a baby, we can show her the first diaper and tell her it's cause she acted like one."

Tammy began snapping pictures as Lydia started changing Carrie's diaper.

The girls gathered around as Lydia began to clean Carrie's bottom and lay a clean diaper under her. Powder was applied and the diaper taped up, around Carrie's waist. After Carrie was changed, Gabby pulled a bonnet and some slippers that looked like booties, from the diaper bag. Lydia slipped them on Carrie and placed the final touch, a Minnie Mouse pacifier, in her mouth. Much to the girl's surprise, Carrie began sucking contentedly on the pacifier, still under the spell of the sleeping pill.

Sisterly Love (NOT MY STORY- WRITTEN BY URSON, FOUND FROM DIAPER STORY ARCHIVE)Where stories live. Discover now