Chapter 4

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As soon as everything was ready for later, Lydia said, "Ok, we should take a quick nap now. We don't wanna fall asleep to early tonight."

All the girls, including Carrie, agreed. They rolled out the sleeping bags. The older girl's bags were basic camping bags, blue, green, red. Carrie's was her personal sleeping bag, a Bratz sleeping bag. Lydia looked at her sister as she rolled out her bag and thought, "This is going to be too easy."

After they laid down, it wasn't long before Carrie fell asleep. Lydia signaled to Angie, who brought a bowl of luke warm water out. Lydia placed Carrie's hand in the water and waited for the inevitable. Lydia, Angie, Gabby, and Tammy, waited until they could hear the tell-tale sound of peeing, then they went into action. Lydia carefully removed Carrie's hand from the water and Angie took the water away. Tammy took a towel and dried off Carrie's hand. Gabby made a bee line for the bathroom, so that Carrie couldn't just dump the diaper and say it never happened. They had just finished and the three were sitting on their sleeping bags when Carrie woke up.

A look of terror crossed Carrie's face and she quickly excused herself to the bathroom, only to find it occupied. When Lydia reached the top of the stairs, she could see Carrie doing the "pee dance". Lydia came up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder, startling her. Carrie hadn't emptied her bladder in the Goodnites as she slept, but when her sister scared her, she finished the job. Unfortunately, the Goodnites couldn't hold the capacity and it began to leak, down Carrie's legs. Carrie was mortified.

Lydia, seeing this, knew it would be easy to get her sister into a diaper now. She quickly acted the concerned sister and apologized.

Carrie, still crying, looked up to her sister, and said, "What am I gonna do now, if your friends see this, I'll never live it down. They'll never let me be in one of you guy's sleepovers again!"

Lydia said, "Calm down. I think I have a solution, but you gotta trust me, ok?"

Carrie nodded, and Lydia quickly dragged her sister into her room, just as the bathroom door swung open and Gabby headed downstairs.

Lydia quickly shut her door and had Carrie sit on a towel. "Listen, the only way you're gonna get through this is to trust me and do as I say. I have a plan, but you aren't gonna like it." She put on a suitably sad face and continued, "I wasn't sure if the Goodnites was gonna work, so I bought a small pack of diapers, just in case. It looks like it was a good decision."

Carrie realized that her sister's prank was now in full swing. She had to go along with it until Elk called her grandparents tomorrow morning. She gave Lydia a shocked look, "Real Diapers?? I don't wanna wear baby diapers. It's bad enough I had to wear this thing." She said as she pointed to the Goodnites

Lydia patted her sister on the shoulder, "I know it's embarrassing, but, wouldn't it be more embarrassing if you wet your pants or sleeping bag?"

Carrie twirled her ponytail in her hand, "Yea, but Diapers? Please don't make me wear them."

Lydia was angry now, "Ok, you have a choice. One, you can wear the diaper and still be in the sleepover with us, or two, you can not wear it and go to bed at your normal bedtime, in your own room! That's it, one or the other."

Carrie lowered her eyes and sniffled, "It's not fair, Mom said you aren't in charge of me."

"Yea, but she did say that I was in charge of anything that involved the sleepover. I don't wanna be washing your sleeping bag on Saturday." Lydia reminded her sister

Dejected, Carrie agreed to Lydia's terms. "Wait here, I'll go get the stuff and we'll get you ready now, so we don't have any problems." Just as she was about to leave the room, Lydia turned to Carrie, "Don't worry, I know a way to muffle the sound so nobody will know. All you gotta do is wear a nightie and the diaper will be almost invisible."

Quickly, Lydia raced down stairs and grabbed a diaper, baby wipes, lotion, and powder. She ran back up to her room, leaving her cohorts giggling in the front room. Upon entering her room, she found Carrie, naked from the waist down and a Goodnites in her trash can.

"Ok, let's get you cleaned up and ready for a night of fun."

It didn't take long for Lydia to clean up Carrie and put the diaper on her. When she finished, Lydia walked over and pulled a pair of her own underwear from her drawers. "This should take care of the noise." She said as she pulled the panties up Carrie's legs and over her diaper

"They're gonna see the diaper!" Carrie cried

"Don't worry, just put on one of my nighties and they'll never know." Lydia said as she passed Carrie the nightie

After slipping on the nightie, it was difficult to tell that Carrie was wearing a diaper underneath it. Carrie looked over herself in her sisters vanity mirror and, secure in her anonymity gathered up her wet clothes and went to deposit them in the laundry basket. Lydia walked back down stairs and gathered the girls around her.

"The plan is working perfect, don't anyone say a thing about the diaper. We don't want to give everything away. Ok, let's get ready to have a good night, and when Carrie wakes up tomorrow, we'll have a brand new baby girl to take care of."

Sisterly Love (NOT MY STORY- WRITTEN BY URSON, FOUND FROM DIAPER STORY ARCHIVE)Where stories live. Discover now