Chapter 11

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Lydia watched from the upstairs window Tammy was carried to her parent's car. Lydia almost did a double take when she saw that Tammy didn't have any pants on and was definitely wearing a diaper under her panties. A chill ran down Lydia's spine as she noticed that Tammy still had her pacifier in her mouth. Coupled with the diaper, Lydia could only imagine what was in store for her friend.

The sound of footsteps on the stairs made Lydia quickly run to the bed. She quickly sat down, just as the door opened.

"Don't think I didn't hear you running just a second ago, little girl. I told you to stay on that bed until your mother got home. I'm going to assume that you were watching your friend being carried to her parent's car, just like a little girl." Mrs. Cauldwell said She slowly stepped into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. Lydia was apprehensive at seeing her grandmother hiding something behind her back as she slowly advanced toward the bed.

"I don't know what time your mother is going to be home tonight, and I'm not going to let any of you move until she does get home. Seeing as you aren't allowed to move, I'm going to make sure none of you little girls makes a mess." With that, she revealed what she had been hiding, one of the diapers they had used on Carrie.

"Lay back and don't give me any trouble!" Mrs. Cauldwell said

"You can't be serious grandma. That won't even fit me. You... you can't make me wear it."

"I can make you wear it, and it may not entirely fit, but your panties will hold it in place." She tossed the diaper on the bed and moved Lydia so she was laying down.

"If you put up a fight, I'll tan your hide and then put this diaper on you, so it's your choice. You can wear the diaper, or I can paddle you, then you can wear the diaper anyway."

It was then, that Mrs. Cauldwell noticed that Lydia didn't have her pacifier in. "Where's your pacifier I gave you? You were instructed not to take it out."

Lydia whimpered, reached under the pillow and pulled the pacifier out. Mrs. Cauldwell took it from her and walked into the bathroom. Lydia could hear the water running. A few seconds later, her grandmother came back out, and placed the, newly cleaned, pacifier into her mouth.

"Don't let that come out again."

Mrs. Cauldwell then reached down and began removing Lydia's pants and under panties. She reached over and grabbed a bottle of powder off her daughter's bureau and dusted Lydia's soon to be diapered area with it. She gently put the diaper in place and pulled Lydia's panties up, trapping the diaper.

While Lydia blushed, nearly dying of embarrassment from just being diapered by her grandmother, the old woman walked to the master bedroom's bath and did something with the door's handle.

"I've locked your mother's bathroom, and since you aren't allowed to leave this room, you better hope your mother gets home before you have to pee or poop." Mrs. Cauldwell said, with a stern face

Suddenly a thought flashed through Lydia's mind. She heard her grandmother say "before you have to pee or POOP???" Surely her grandmother didn't expect her to poop in this diaper, did she?

"Grandma, you don't mean I have to actually poop in this thing if mom doesn't get home in time, do you?" Lydia mumbled hesitantly, around her pacifier

"Indeed I do little girl. You and your friends had no problem with making Carrie pee her diaper, and I'm sure you probably would have let her poop herself as well. It's fitting you should suffer the same fate. Now remember, I expect you to stay on that bed and not move off of it until your mother gets home. If you move, I'll take that playpen and put you outside in it, dressed just like you are right now."

Lydia's eyes grew and she cringed back against the headboard, swearing she wouldn't move, ever.

It was four o'clock when Angie's parents pulled up to the house. They'd spent the drive over, thinking about what to do with their daughter. Angie had been in trouble before, but nothing on this scale. When they got inside, Mrs. Cauldwell explained the situation and took them to see their daughter. Upon walking into the kitchen, Angie's mother, Mrs. Kato, almost choked on her gum and had to excuse herself. The sight of her daughter, dressed like a baby and standing in a corner was difficult to take. Her emotions warred inside. She wanted to take her daughter home and hold her as she had done when Angie was little, and she was angry at the thought of what she and her friends had done to Carrie. She took a minute to control herself before addressing her daughter. Mr. Kato was giving Angie the lecture of her life. All the while, Angie just stood there, paci ensconced in her mouth, tears running down her face. Mrs. Kato walked up to her husband and daughter. Mr. Kato had just finished his rant and Mrs. Kato turned to her daughter.

"Angela, your father and I discussed what we were going to do about this on the drive over here."

Mr. Kato calmed himself and said, "This is just the latest in a series of messes that you've gotten yourself into. We, as your parents, feel that we've failed to teach you right from wrong, and we weren't sure what we could do to rectify the situation. We've came to the conclusion that we think everyone can live with."

Mrs. Kato wrapped her arms around her daughter in a hug and whispered in her ear. "Sweetie, we decided to make your punishment something that will help you and us. We are going to give you a choice, either let us baby your this summer, or we will let the juvenile justice system deal with this."

Angie's tried to fling herself away from her mother, back against the wall, but Mrs. Kato held her firm. Angie was crying, a look of terror on her face.

"Y-y-you can't mean that! You'd let me go to j-jail?" Angie said

"I know it seems unfair, but there's nothing else we can do honey. This was the worst thing you've ever done. You embarrassed and humiliated that poor little girl. Mrs. Thompson might sue us. I think you're getting off pretty lightly." Her mother said with tears now in her eyes as well

"Your mother's right. Angela, we think that perhaps these next two months will pull us closer as a family. We won't treat you like a baby unless you agree to it. You should know though, if you don't agree to this, we'll have no choice but to turn you over to the authorities." Mr. Kato was definitely shaken at the thought of sending his little girl to jail.

Angie fought with the idea of being a baby. She had seen how humiliated Carrie had been, and wondered if jail could be any worse that than. After a few minutes, she realized that if she let her parents baby her, at least she'd be with her parents and not some stranger.

Mrs. Kato could see that Angie had come to a decision. "Well angel, what's it going to be?"

Angie hugged her mother and said, "I'll be your baby...Mommy."

Mrs. Kato hugged her daughter back, then picked her up and carried her into the living room. Mr. Kato went out to the car and got the things they had picked up, anticipating their daughter's decision. When he came back, Angie was lying on the ground, naked from the waist down, a slightly wet diaper sitting beside her. He handed his wife the bag and she removed a large disposable diaper from it, along with powder, and baby wipes. It didn't take long to get Angie into her diaper and dressed in a onsie. Mrs. and Mr. Kato apologized to Mrs. Cauldwell on Angie's behalf, picked up their new baby daughter and left.

Sisterly Love (NOT MY STORY- WRITTEN BY URSON, FOUND FROM DIAPER STORY ARCHIVE)Where stories live. Discover now