Chapter 16

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Both Gabby and Lydia were gagging by the time their "breakfast" was done, the baby food tasted awful. Gloria noticed when she had sat Lydia on her lap, that the girl's diaper was now soaked, and had an idea. When the girls were done being fed, Gloria left Gabby strapped in the highchair and took Lydia into the living room. She called for Carrie to come in and laid Lydia on a blanket, on the floor.

When Carrie came in, Gloria turned to her and said, "Honey, I want you to learn all there is to taking care of a baby. Your sister here is going to help me do that. I want you to change your baby sister's diaper, I'll guide you through it, just get the diaper bag and we'll get started."

Carrie grinned and ran to get the diaper bag. Lydia looked up at her mother, trying to get some kind of reprieve from the humiliation she was about to be forced to endure. Gloria looked down at her former-oldest daughter and sighed.

"You brought this on yourself little girl. I'm just evening the score a little. You'd better get used to having your big sister change your diaper, she's going to be helping me take care of you the entire month of your punishment."

Carrie trotted back into the living room, with the diaper bag and set it down by Lydia. Gloria patted Carrie on the shoulder and began her instruction.

"Ok first, you have to determine if the baby is wet. Now with a smaller baby it might not be as visible as it is on your baby sister, they don't wet as much. Stick two fingers into one of the leg gathers of the diaper, to feel if it's wet."

Carrie grimaced at the idea of it, but gently stuck two fingers into the leg gather. Yep, it was wet, soaked as a matter of fact. She quickly pulled her fingers out and wiped them off with a wet wipe.

"Ok, now that you know the baby needs changing, the next thing is to remove the wet, or dirty diaper, but first, we need to remove the onsie. Unsnap the onsie and gently pull it up, revealing the diaper. Sometimes, it's good to pin the crotch of the onsie to the front, so it doesn't get in the way while you're changing the baby. Pull back all the tape tabs on the diaper. Start on one side and then go to the other."

Carrie gently pulled off each tape and pulled back the front of the diaper, the yellow stain and squishy feel of the diaper shocked her for a moment. The idea that her sister actually had wet the diaper now sunk in.

Gloria noticed that Carrie was distracted and nudged her. Carrie, startled by the nudge, regained her composure and turned to her mother.

"Ok, now once you have the diaper untaped, pull it back and lift up the baby's legs, pushing them, so their knees are almost at their chest. This will cause the baby's bottom to rise and let you pull the dirty diaper out from under them. Obviously, since your baby sister is a much bigger baby, I'll help you with that part."

Gloria took Lydia by the ankles and gently pushed her knees to her chest. As her butt was lifted off the diaper, Carrie quickly pulled it out and was about to roll it up and throw it away, when Gloria stopped her.

"Don't throw it away yet sweetie, we need the diaper to put the wipes in. Now, while the baby's bottom is in the air, take the baby wipes and carefully wipe the baby's diaper area. Be thorough, make sure to clean all the pee off. For baby girls, you have to get in every fold of skin, we don't want the baby to get diaper rash."

Carrie grimaced again, this was more than a little weird. She gently wiped her sister's bottom and crotch, making sure to get everywhere. Then, as her mother had told her, she threw the wipes in the diaper and rolled it up, using the tapes to seal it shut.

"Now, take a clean diaper, open it up, and slide it under the baby's bottom. Next, we get some baby lotion and rub it over the baby's bottom. Make sure to get a good coating, because it will help prevent diaper rash if the baby sits in a wet diaper for a while. Next, apply some baby powder and lay the baby down on the clean diaper." Gloria said as she lowered Lydia's bottom onto the clean diaper.

"Take a baby wipe and wipe off your hands, because if you try to tape the diaper up now, the baby lotion and powder on your hands will gum up the tapes and the diaper will be ruined."

Carrie wiped off her hands and then pulled the diaper up, over the front of her sister.

"Good, we're almost done." Gloria said as she reached into the diaper bag and pulled out a pacifier. "The last thing is to tape up the diaper, and make sure it's snug. Normally, a baby's diaper has only one tape on each side, but since your sister's has two, we have to do it differently. Tape the bottom tapes on each side first, then do the top tapes. Make sure the gathers at the legs and waist are snug, but not binding. Now, resnap the onsie and you're done. Now all we have is the clean up to do."

Carrie taped up the diaper just as her mother instructed her, snapped up the onsie and she gently patted Lydia on the front of the diaper, grinning all the while.

Gloria watched the gentleness with which Carrie changed Lydia. "She's going to make a great mommy some day." Gloria thought to herself

"Ok honey, the last thing we do is put the baby in a safe area, while we clean up our hands. You always wash your hands after changing a baby's diaper. We want to be as germ free as possible around babies. Their immune systems aren't as good as yours and mine. We don't have a play pen, so I'm going just going to say that the blanket is a playpen." She turned to Lydia, "Now Liddy, you are in a playpen. I don't want you moving from this blanket or, when we get out your old playpen, the first place you'll be using it is outside on the front lawn. Get me?"

Lydia nodded, knowing full well that her mother wasn't bluffing, stayed put on the blanket. She tried to amuse herself with the baby toys her sister had placed on the blanket, but it was no use, she was bored stiff.

As she sat on the blanket, she noticed that her cell phone was sitting on the table, just in reach. She looked around, to see if her mother or sister were looking and didn't see either one. Carefully, she reached for the phone, hoping to at least have a normal conversation for a bit, then hide the phone. Carrie came out of the bathroom, and was walking down the stairs when she saw Lydia grabbing the cell phone. She quietly walked down the stairs and snuck up on her sister. She then grabbed the cell phone just as Lydia was about to do the same.

"Naughty, naughty baby." She said

She picked up a play phone from the blanket and handed it to Lydia.

"Baby can't have big people phone but, here's a phone you can call all your friends on." She said, as she began to demonstrate how the play phone worked.

Carrie made the play phone ring twice and picked up the receiver, placing it next to Lydia's ear.

"It's for you kiddo." Carrie said

Sisterly Love (NOT MY STORY- WRITTEN BY URSON, FOUND FROM DIAPER STORY ARCHIVE)Where stories live. Discover now