Chapter 7

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Elkvyll waited by the phone all night, waiting for Carrie to call and say that her sister hadn't pulled the horrible prank. Carrie had told her about some of the jokes Lydia had pulled before, but this was the worst. Keeping Carrie as a baby for even one day was nasty. Noon came and still there was no call. Elk pulled out the scrap of paper Carrie had given her and began dialing the number on it. The phone rang once, twice, three times, on the fourth ring, Elk was about to hang up and try later when the receiver on the other end picked up.

"Hello" the voice of an elderly woman said

"Um, is this the home of Carrie Thompson's grandparents?" Elkvyll asked, shakily

"Yes it is, but she's not here. She's at her home, having a slumber party with her sister." The older woman said

"Yes Mam, I know that but, I was asked to call you if I didn't hear from Carrie this morning."

"Who are you dearie?"

"I'm Elk, a friend of Carrie's, and she told me to call you and tell you what I told her yesterday."

The old woman's interest was piqued. "What did you tell my granddaughter yesterday, young lady?"

"Well... On the bus, going to school yesterday I overheard Lydia and a friend of hers, Angie, talking about a plan to... to..."

"To what dearie?

"They said they were gonna treat Carrie like a baby this weekend, put her in diapers and everything. Lydia got all her friends who were coming to the sleepover to help her."

Mrs. Cauldwell knew that Lydia had a history of playing pranks on Carrie, but this seemed downright nasty. She wasn't sure that Lydia would do it.

"How can I be sure you're telling the truth, young lady? I know my granddaughters fight, but what you're suggesting seems a bit mean spirited for Lydia."

Elk thought for a moment, then remembered the conversation between Lydia and Angie.

"I heard Lydia mention that Carrie had wet her sleeping bag the last time she was allowed at one of her sleepovers. I don't think Carrie would have told anyone that. She was probably too embarrassed. Does that help prove what I'm saying?"

Mrs. Cauldwell knew about the wetting incident, and also knew that Carrie wouldn't have told that to anyone. Lydia's old friends had spread stories around town that Carrie had worn diapers and wet them at the sleepover. It made the poor girl's life miserable for months before they moved to Augton.

"Are you still there?" Elk asked, hoping that the old woman hadn't just hung up on her.

"I'm still here dearie. Don't worry, I'm going to go and check on the girls right now. Thank you for being such a good friend to Carrie, she really needs friends like you."

Mrs. Cauldwell hung up the phone and quickly grabbed her keys before heading out to the car. It would take ten minutes to get there, but she still wanted to hurry. There was no knowing what Lydia and her friends, most of which Mrs. Cauldwell had never liked, would do even with ten minutes.

Sisterly Love (NOT MY STORY- WRITTEN BY URSON, FOUND FROM DIAPER STORY ARCHIVE)Where stories live. Discover now