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"Ughhhh" I silently said when I sipped the straw that's on my now empty glass. I was so annoyed because this is my third order, I was reviewing for the final exams tomorrow.

I left my books and reviewers on my table for two and went to the counter to order another glass of banana milk. Yes, milk. I don't like coffee that much.

After I ordered, I noticed a guy sitting on the chair provided across my seat.

As I sat down, he noticed me and smiled.

"Is it okay for me to sit here?" He shyly asked. Man, this boy's attractive as hell.

"S-Sure" I stuttered as I was too nervous to talk to someone as handsome as him. He then thanked me and smiled sweetly.

Well, it became awkward afterwards.
I can't focus well on my reviewers because he kept on looking at me for the past 10 minutes.

"Do you need something?" I asked when I caught him staring for the 127th time. I couldn't take it anymore.

He shyly looked at me.

"Uh I was just curious..." He was hesitant. I waited for his next words
"What are you drinking?" He asked pointing at my half-filled glass.

"Banana Mi-" He shh-d me and I was confused.
"You like fruits?" He asked me.

"Well, yes I guess-" His eyes widened and he held up both his hands indicating a 'stop'. His green tea shake is on 'our' table.

"Why...? Don't you like them?" I carefully asked him.
"Oh honey, they scare me" He sipped on his straw after saying this sassily at me.

I didn't know humans can be afraid of fruits... Oh shit
Did he just?
Did he just call me honey?

"By the way... What's your name?" He asked staring at me.
"I'm Lee Y/N, 15 years old from Seoul! Nice to meet you!" I said energetically.

He was surprised by my energetic side. I always try my best to introduce myself with energy.

"I'm Ten..." Ten said. Unique name.
"May I ask what those are?" He asked pointing at my reviewers.

"Oh this? It's for my final exam tomorrow" I said casually.
"What? You study?" He asked looking as if he's disappointed.

"Well yeah..." I said.

"You know what? Forget the rules, come with me" He said standing up. He was waiting for me to stand and follow him.

"Where are we going?" I asked him before I stood up.

"I'm not really allowed to tell you but... I'll give you a clue" He said before walking out the café. I quickly gathered all my stuff to catch up with him.

"What's the clue?" I asked in between deep breaths as I was still tired from running.

"Uhm you probably don't need a talent because of that" He said then gestured his hand from my head to my toe.

I still couldn't understand. He saw my puzzled face.

He sighed.

"And you probably will be a busy person" He said. I really couldn't understand.

It's something that involves talents and being busy and stuff...

Huh, I must be dumb.

We just walked our way to God knows where while having little talks. I found out that he was not Korean at all. Well, his Korean is better than mine that's for sure.

And I didn't realise that we're here because of his loud voice. I looked at the building in front of me and I saw "SM Entertainment"

Holy Cow

Did he scout me? What the-

"Welcome to SM Lee Y/N! Don't worry, I'll be your oppa while you're training" He said and then winked at me. Is he a worker, a trainee, or a what?

"Are you a scam?! How old are you?! Are you wearing a mask to look young and get girls to flirt with them?! " I asked as I was too curious. He might look young and innocent but I can't just trust anyone who just winked at me on the first day we met.

"Yo chill... don't worry. Relax..." He calmed me.
"I'm just a trainee like you. Well, sooner or later you'll be one" He smiled sweetly at me. Well this is gonna be a long ass ride.

(A/N: Just pretend that he's still a trainee)

"How can you be so sure that I'll pass the audition?" I asked. We entered the building before he answered my question.

"Oh dear, I think you know. I'm even a hundred percent sure that a lot of companies already called you" He said. Well... Cube, YG, and JYP did noticed me before

This is the first time that I actually accepted an offer (Yes, I couldn't resist his handsome face that I had to audition just to see him again)

"Plus! I have a friend who just did three poses and BOOM. He's a trainee" Well that guy must be hella hot

"I think you'll pass just by turning the door knob of the audition room" He chuckled. Am I really that attractive?

After a few moments of chatting, a man in a suit called Ten and we suddenly walked towards the way where girls are lined up. I think they're going to audition.

I heard some girls whispering when we passed them by.

'She's so pretty'
'This is not fair, we've been here for hours'
'Oh are they a couple?'
'Is he a trainee?'
'Is she a trainee?'
'They look good together'

Yes, I heard a lot.

We just passed them and I was immediately sent to the room. Well, I guess I'm a VIP.

And as soon as I entered the room, the man in the black suit (which I guess was the boss) said that I should be a trainee. Literally, as soon as I entered the room.

Ten looked at me and smiled.

"Told you" He winked.

Author's Note:
I'm sorry if this is not good :<
I'm just too busy with school
I'll do better next time 💕
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed 😄

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