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Look, judge me if you want, but this is gonna have a twist. A lot of 5sos' songs tell some really sad stories. Like, really sad. So...
I'm going to use some of their somgs that do tell a sad story or just a story in general. I love those boys more than I love me so...

1. Ghost of You

This song fucked me up when I first heard it. Who made them this sad I don't know, but its really sad. So they mention chasing down a ghost only for them to remember the person isn't there anymore. It can be the person died or left them, but! There's another song called Invisible, and a lot of people believe that the first part of this song. Invisible is about a person being unseen, and Ghost of You is the reaction. Its probably my favorite song on their new album besides...

2. Lie to Me

This song is sad as shit, especially because it was written about a person the singer loved so much. Its about a person leaving them and cheating on them, and how the others can't help them out of the toxic situation. Sad shit.

3. Story of Another Us

Isn't as sad, but its about two people who aren't in that much of a happy relationship, and the person is wondering what their alternative versions of them could be like.

4. Amnesia

About a guy wanting to forget all his memories with the girl he had, as she had already moved on. But, there's a part when they say if they wake up with them they'd hold them closer than ever before, so this one could just be a dream, and they wake up to the person they love if you want.

5. Close as Strangers

About how they are constantly apart from their love interest, and over time they both know the relationship is falling.

You don't have to listen to all of these, but I find the story in them interesting.

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