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No One's POV

"I don't think so. Let him go or I'll shoot,"

Taehyung looked to his left, only to face the barrel of a gun. A cold sudden chill ran down his spine. The hair on his neck stood on end, his eyes looking directly towards the unknown figure.

There stood a woman, her pale skin was in contrast with her long obsidian hair. Unlike the man on the floor, she was not wearing a bulletproof vest, but rather straps that held small knives and even some ammo. Under it, she wore a thin navy blue jacket, along with a white blouse. Her expression was unreadable, but the glint in her eyes showed everything. The dark hues of her eyes yelled dread and fret, worried over her comrade that was at the moment, struggling to move and bounded to the floor.

"Who are you?" Her stern voice blurted out, her gun pointing at every member while she looked. Her stiff arms were still like a statue, holding out the gun that could kill anyone at anytime. 

Namjoon cursed under his breath, "Hey now, no one wants to get harmed alright? We were here first but—"

"I said, who. are. you?" the stranger strictly said, her voice wavering in fright.

"Kim Namjoon," he replied, not afraid to expose his name like a trophy to be shared. Jin mentally face palmed, remembering that the leader didn't care to say things without thinking it through. But even so, whatever he says usually seemed like it was an appropriate thing to say or just like replying correctly.

"Hey! Hey noona! Help meeeeee!" the tied down man yelled through his struggles. This only earned him a glare from the woman, making him shut his mouth. He didn't say anything else after that.

"Alright, Kim Namjoon. Let that boy go and I promise not to kill every one of you," she said his name like a sin, stressing his name as it rolled off her tongue. She didn't budge from her spot, but her eyes landed to the floor where her companion stopped moving. Her gun still pointed forwards, now aiming at Yoongi. 

Namjoon looked at Jungkook, slightly nodding his head and signalling to comply. Without a moment too soon, the younger coconut head boy slid forwards to the tied man. With a pull of a single rope, the stranger's hands were released from its bind. They didn't take long to recover, jumping from the floor and running towards the female that was much shorter than him. He was rather joyful and relieved than upset. The woman in front of him however was...well....still not happy.

She didn't take her eyes off the members, her head tilting to the side and quietly whispering to the boy's ear. Nobody heard what she said, but a weird sensation of worry came upon their stomachs. The boy then ran back outside, leaving his teammate with seven adult men who could overpower her if they wanted to. However, she stood her ground.

"Where did he go? Hyung, what's happening?" Jimin nervously said, his head jerking towards the door. He felt his adrenaline surge through his veins, realizing that twelve more people ran back into the building with heavy, dangerous firearms, all of which were loaded.

Slowly retreating back closer to his members, Hoseok watched in anticipation as the woman commanded the men to stop. He felt several gazes on him, his heart pumping that it could burst from his chest from how nervous he felt.

"W—Wait! I thought you were not going to kill us!" Jin shouted, almost stumbling over his words. He gulped as he saw the many guns aimed at him along with the others.

The woman only lowered her gun, putting it back to its holder. She spoke, "You followed my wishes, so I'll comply with yours. I'm no liar, a woman of my word," her voice still held cautiousness, as if she didn't fully trusted the strangers—something that she can rightfully do.

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