Chapter 1

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*****This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are under assault, I repeat, we are under assault - The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range. We are 22 jump points out of Asgard....Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is not a warcraft!*****

"Hear me, and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan... You may think this is suffering... No. It is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile... For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos...." Ebony Maw walks amongst the dead Asgardians and those lingering closer to death.

Loki stood in amongst the Black Order as a silhouette was present in front of him.

"I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless," the extremely tall male said as he picked a man up off the ground by his breast plate.

Thor choked as the man picked him further off the ground.

"It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end? Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it's here. Or should I say... I AM," the voice says as he lifts up a gauntlet... no, not a, the gauntlet.

The infinity gauntlet, that holds a purple glowing gem. The man walked into the light, revealing the purple titan... Thanos. Thor coughs up blood as Thanos pushes him onto his knees.

"You talk to much," Thor said past gurgling on his own blood. Thanos looked at Loki, and spoke his mighty voice.

"The Tesseract, or your brother's head. I assume you have a preference," Thanos said with a head tilt.

"Oh I do, kill away!" Loki spits.

Thanos raises his nonexistent eyebrows and puts his gauntlet up to Thors left temple. Thor screams roughly, his voice already broken.

His head slowly began to burn, slowly killing him. Loki's eyes start watering up, the sight of his beloved brother getting tortured was too much.

"All right STOP!" Loki yells as Thanos sloppily removes the gauntlet from Thor's head.

"We don't have the Tesseract, it was destroyed on Asgard!" Thor says as he looks through one eye, the other missing, underneath an eye patch.

Loki gives an apologetic look to his brother and lifts his right hand. He uses his trickery and reveals the glowing cube. Thor looks disappointed.

"You... really are the worst, brother," Thor says out of breath.

Loki slowly advances towards Thanos with the tesseract, with the Black order pointing their weapons at him.

"I assure you, brother... the sun will shine on us again," Loki says as he looks at Thor.

"Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian," Thanos says as he chuckles a bit.

"Well, for one thing, I'm not Asgardian. And for another... We have a Hulk," Loki says as he dives out of the way towards Thor, the tesseract skids across the ground.

Thanos looks to his right just as a green and angry mass slams into him. The Hulk pummels Thanos, forcing him backwards and shoving him into the wall of the ship. Maw stops Cull Obsidian from interfering.

"Let him have his fun...." Maw says, not even trying to help Thanos.

Suddenly, Thanos grabs Hulks wrists and pries his hands away. The Hulk, so caught up in shock, Thanos elbows down on his collarbone. Hulk whimpers and backs up a bit, but Thanos wasn't backing down.

After multiple hard hits to multiple body parts, Thanos lifts Hulk up off the ground and slams him down. Hulk laid on the ground, in and out of consciousness.

Then Thor, out of nowhere, grabs a metal pole and hits Thanos on the back to no avail. Thanos easily kicks Thor back and across the deck.

Ebony Maw uses his powers to bound Thor in metal debris to keep him from interfering anymore. Heimdall slightly sat up and spoke.

"Allfathers... let the dark magic flow through me one last... time," Heimdall said.

As the words flowed from his mouth, he summoned the bifrost. The Bifrost picked up Bruce and carried him away to Earth.

"That was a mistake," Thanos says as he takes one of his children's weapons.

He stabs the long spear through Heimdalls stomach.

"NOOOO!!" Thor yelled as Heimdall released his last breath.

"You're going to die... for that!" Thor exclaims.

Then a piece of metal attaches around Thor's mouth. Maw put a finger up to his crusty lips and shushed Thor.

Then Maw picked up the tesseract, that was on the ground.

"My humble personage... bows before your grandeur. No other being has ever had the might, nay the nobility, to wield not one, but two Infinity Stones. The universe lies within your grasp," Maw says as he kneels before Thanos.

He takes the glowing cube in his large hands and crushes it easily. He rolls the blue infinity stone in his fingers, admiring it.

He slowly put it near his gauntlet, and the stone immediately latched into its spot. Thanos closes his hand into a fist, looking at his gauntlet that's held two stones now.

"There are two more Stones on Earth. Find them, my children, and bring them to me on Titan," Thanos orders.

"Father, we will not fail you," the Black order says as they all kneel.

"If I might interject... If you're going to Earth, you might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena," Loki says as he emerges from behind the Order. Thanos was unimpressed.

"If you consider failure experience," Thanos says with a head tilt.

"I consider experience, experience. Almighty Thanos, I... Loki... Prince of Asgard... Odinson... The rightful King of Jotunheim... God of Mischief... do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity," Loki said as he bowed his head and advanced close enough to Thanos.

He materialized a dagger in his left hand, ready to attack Thanos. With lightning quick moves, Loki lunged and brought his dagger up to Thanos.

Unfortunately, Loki wasn't fast enough...

"'Undying'. You should use your words more wisely," Thanos said as the space stone held Loki in place.

Thanos flips the dagger out of Loki's grasp and picks him up by his neck. Loki struggled out of his grip, only making Thanos hold tighter.

The sounds of Loki's throat being crushed as like crushing a bag of chips.

"You- will never be..... a god..." Loki choked out as he lets his last breath go.

A wretched sound rang throughout the ship, the sound of his neck break. Tears streamed down Thor's face as he watched his adopted brother die, once again.

"No resurrection this time," Thanos said as he threw Loki's body into the ground.

Thanos raises the gauntlet, sending a violet Power fire through the remains of the Statesman, and uses the Space Stone to teleport away with the Black Order.

All the metal around Thor fell to the ground as he crawled to his dead brother.

"Loki.... no.."
1191 word count. Until the next chapter my hero's😘😘 -Kay😜

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