Chapter 4

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"Yeah... that's the thing..."
"What do you mean?" Bruce asks as Tony looks down.

You gulp silently as you glance at Pietro, who held a semi concerned look.

"Two weeks ago, Vision turned off his transponder. He's offline," Tony says as he waves his hand as the other rests under his chin.

"What?! Tony you lost another super bot?" Bruce exclaims.

"I didn't lose him. He's more than that, he's evolving," Tony explains as he puts his hands down to his side.

"Who could find him?" Stephen asks with a dumbfounded look.

"I could," you say with a shrug. Everyone looks at you.

"What? I'm connected to the stone, how hard can it be?" You question as you sit down in a random seat.

You feel your eyes change color as you search for Vision.

"What happened?" Bruce asks in the back ground. Tony sighs heavily.

"God, we haven't caught up in a spell, have we? The Avenegers broke up. We're toast," Tony's voice replies.

"Like- like a band? Like the beetles?" Bruce asks as you get a slight pull in a direction.

You follow the tug to Scotland, where you finally see Vision in bed next to Wanda, sound asleep.

Your eyes fly open as you breath heavily, how peculiar... you never have a problem using your stone powers.

"Tony, listen to me. Thor's gone. Thanos is coming. It doesn't matter who you're talking to or not," Banner says in a pleading, almost begging way.

Tony rolls his eyes and glances at you, then locks his gaze upon you.

"Can you talk to Capsicle for me? It'll be easier for you to than me..." Tony says with pleading eyes.

You nod and pull out an ear piece. You press the first option as Pietro hugs you from behind.

The phone rings as Bruce and Tony continue bickering. When the phone picks up, you hear the familiar voice on the other line.

"Who are you and how did you get this number?" Steve says seriously. You chuckle.

"Easy gramps, don't want you to have a heart attack on me," you speak with a small smile.

"Oh Y/n... it's so good to hear from you. I miss you kiddo," he says lovingly.

"I miss you too pops. I know we haven't caught up in a minute but now isn't the time to talk. We need to bring Vision in.. he's in danger," you speak as the other four men silence down.

"Danger? What kind?" Steve questions.

"Extreme danger, like he can die danger. Just... meet me at the Avengers facility please..." you trail as you hear Steve sigh on the other end.

"Have you tracked him?" He question with a hint of irritation behind his voice.

"He's in Scotland," you whisper.

"Okay. See you then-," "And Steve..." you cut him off. He listens intently.

"Thank you.." you say holding back all of your other emotions. You could physically hear his smile.

"You're welcome kid, family has to stick together right?" He questions. You laugh.

"Right... see you soon," after that you hang up.

You just now realized you were alone in the sanctum. You quickly notice the dust flying outside and multiple piece of metal swooshing around.

You run outside and then the corner, being met with a large donut looking space ship in the air.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., evac anyone south of 43rd Street, notify first responders," Stark said as his words reached your earpiece.

You nod at the five men beside you, letting them know to be ready for anything. Pietro grabs your hand and takes a step in front of you.

You smile lightly, but it quickly disappears as two figures appeared in front of you about 20 feet away.

You recognized them they were in your dream...

Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian stood in front of you.

You feel a ping of fear ripple in your stomach as you gulp down your nerves.

"Hear me, and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to," "I'm sorry!! Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get outta here," Stark cuts off Ebony. He sends Tony a sharp glare.

"Stonekeeper...Does this chattering animal speak for you?" Maw questions Strange with a non-existent brow raise.

"Certainly not I speak for myself. You're trespassing in this city and in this planet," Strange announces as he creates magical shields around his fists.

Wong follows Stranges' movement as shields form around his hands.

"It means get lost Squidward," Tony spoke to Maw. You couldn't help but chuckle a bit, even Pietro let out a small snicker.

"He exhausts me..." Maw mumbles as his gaze lands on you. Obsidian speaks untranslatable words as Maw continues to stare at you.

"Bring me the stone... and the girl," Maw speaks. You turn around and look behind you, making sure you were the only female around.

"Oh I know damn well you're not taking me!" You say angrily as you get into a running position. Pietro holds you back, preventing you from running.

"He vants to make you angry, are you going to let him manipulate you like zhat?" Pietro questions as Obsidian starts to walk towards you, trying to bypass the other team members.

But Stark wasn't about to let that happen.

"Banner, you want a piece?" Stark asks as Bruce looks at him, concern written on his face.

"Not really but when do I ever get what I want," Banner says as he rubs his hands together and gets ready.

Bruce attempts to release the Hulk. Instead of Hulk coming out easily, the most that turns green is Bruce's neck.

"Its been a while. Good to have you back buddy," Stark says as Obsidian says to get closer, his eyes on you.

"I just... I need to concentrate here for one second. Come on, come on, man," Banner tries to get Hulk out but he refuses to.

"Where's Hulk?" Pietro asks as he shifts on his feet s bit.

"I don't know, we're certainly having a thing," Bruce says as he gives up momentarily.

"Hey Bruce.. you see that big ugly monster coming straight at me? Yeah... yeah that's the thing," you say as you point at Obsidian. Bruce tries once more, but fails yet again.

"Dude you're embarrassing," Pietro snickers as Tony walks over to Bruce.

"It's okay bud, back down. Keep an eye on him," Stark says as he steps forward.

As Cull Obsidian approaches the team, Stark dons his nanotech Iron Man suit in the space of three steps.

He grows a shield on one arm to protect himself, then grows a set of blasters that easily throw the Dwarf back to Maw, who gestures and deflects his massive companion into some car. Your mouth opens wide.

"Oh my God!! You've been busy," you say to Stark as he turns to face you and Banner.

Banners mouth hung on the ground as he looked at Tony's new suit, made so that no other 'small people' can destroy his suit from the inside.

Just as Tony was about to speak, he was thrown up into the air.
1213 word count. Until the next chapter my hero's😘😘 -Kay😜

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