Chapter 21

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Strange says as he summons a shield in each hand.

Thanos questions as he looks up to a see a chunk of wreckage descending rapidly on him, too rapidly to react, and powered by Iron Man. Thanos is subsequently crushed by it.

"Piece of cake, Quill," Stark says as he flies around to the rest of the team.

"Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off!" Quill yells as he triggers his mask and follows.

Suddenly, the wreckage on top of Thanos erupts in purple, as he bellows in rage. He turns the hovering fragments into a flock of bats with the Reality Stone and swarms Iron Man with them, driving him back through the ruins.

Spider-Man swiftly webs his eyes, and swings in to kick him in the face. At the same time, Drax leaps from cover, blades in both hands, to knee-slide behind Thanos and try for a tendon slide across the back of the Titan's knee.

Strange skillfully jumps through a portal and summons a sword of golden energy, duelling with Thanos while Drax attacks similarly on his other side.

Thanos punches Drax through a ruined wall, then shatters the blade with one hand and tears the web from his eyes. He advances on Strange and kicks at him, but Strange's shield absorbs the damage as the Cloak lifts him free of the ground.

Star-Lord, who is back on the ground, starts shooting at Thanos from behind. Thanos uses the Power Stone to shoot balls of energy at Star-Lord while he leaps towards Thanos using magical platforms thrown in his path by Strange.

Finally the last one placed above Thanos's head so Star-Lord can flip over him and slap a mine on Thanos's back. Star-Lord sticks his landing, he disengages his helmet.

"Boom!" Quill yells as he gives Thanos the bird and fall backwards into a portal, curtsy of Strange.

The explosion knocks Thanos to his knees and dazes him briefly.

"Don't let him close his fist," Strange whispered to the cloak as it swoops off Strange's shoulders and wraps itself tightly around Thanos's armored hand, who starts tugging at this unexpected wrapping.

Strange starts throwing portals everywhere. Spider-Man leaps through one on Thanos's left.

"Magic!" Peter Parker says as he Thanos in the head and vanishes through a portal to the lower right. Then, again, reappearing above Thanos.

"More magic!" Peter says as he yanks Thanos's head down hard, then leaps into a portal in front of him. He leaps through another portal high and behind Thanos.

"Magic with a kick!" Spidey delivers a flying kick and falls feet-first into an exit, then appears on his right.

"Magic with a-," he gets cut off by Thanos grabbing him from the air and throwing him to the ground, with his large hand around his small neck.

"Insect!" Thanos yells, then throws Spidey at Strange, knocking them both down.

Thanos finally tears the Cloak away and is then promptly surrounded by fiery explosions as Iron Man bombards him.

He sucks all the flame into the gauntlet with the Power Stone and fires it in a stream at Iron Man, hitting him dead on and sending him far away, plowing through a massive fallen machine.

Spider-Man leaps from behind, more conventionally this time, while Thanos concentrates his fire on Iron Man, webs the gauntlet and drops down in front of him, pulling hard.

Sadly, Thanos yanks on the webline, pulling the much lighter teenager towards him, and punching him on his way past. He tears the webbing free of the gauntlet just in time for a small spaceship comes down and crash-landing on him.

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