The Morning After

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I woke up in Jake's arms, with him snoring softly. I laid there for about 5 more minutes before I seen what time it was. 11:30 am. I turned over and gave Jake a kiss on the cheek and messed with his hair. 'Hey sleep head, time to wake up.' I said softly while tracing his face with my hand. He opened his eyes slowly and smiled. 'You're still in my bed.' He said groggily. 'Well what'd you think? I was just gonna leave you to sleep alone after a night like that?' I asked amazed. He stuttered over his words, 'Well no, I just thought that- like- I just thought since you'd have to sneak out of my room so they didn't'- 'Didn't what? See me?' I interrupted sassily. He sat up, 'You know what?' He said fake annoyed. I smiled and looked at him. 'What?' I said sassily. He stood up and pulled my waist to him, 'Don't make me punish you for being sassy.' He said as he leaned down and gave me a smoldering kiss. I lost the breath in my lungs after that and my knees turned to jelly. 'Hm, guess you could say I still bring you to your knees.' He said as he let me fall to the ground. Not hard but let me slip to where I was sitting on my calf's, stumped. He leaned down and put his hand under my chin and had me look at him. 'You're mine.' He said dominantly. I just nodded my head in agreement. He smiled and walked to his closet. I looked at the floor then at him. His back was towards me while he was looking for an outfit for the day. I slipped back into my clothes and snuck out of Jakes room to get to mine. Luckily my room was just across from Aaron's so it was easy getting back to my room unnoticed. I shut the door and locked it behind me. A few seconds after I started undressing, I decided I wanted to shower so I hurried up and wrapped myself in a towel, grabbed an outfit and booked it to the bathroom. Just as I was about to shut the door a hand slipped in to block it. 'Can I join?' 'Jake! No!' I said as I pushed him out and locked the door. As I was showering I could hear Aaron raging on Fortnite.
*An hour or so later*
I was sitting in the backyard thinking of what to do today when Colby stepped out there with me. 'So Y/N, I really hate to burst your bubble but I'm sure everyone heard you and Jake. You've been here for what? 3 months now? They'll be fine with whatever you guys are. It's not like it's the first few days.' Colby was acting defensive while saying this and I didn't understand why. He looked nervous. 'Colby. I'm gonna need you to be honest and tell me what the real problem is. Do me and Jake sneak around? Yes. But that's something me and Jake can tell the whole house tonight. And that's not what's bothering you so what's up?' I said nonchalantly. Colby breathed in heavily and looked around. 'Y/N, it's just, I don't want Jake to hurt you, he can be mean at times, and it's just like, I don't know.' He stumbled over his words but I put my hand up to silence him. 'Colby, honey, I can take care of myself. And Jake is easy to make happy.' Colby moved his head back in shock. 'You're honestly the first girl Jake has be with that's said that.' Right after he said that he bit his lip. 'Colby, how many girls has Jake been with?' I asked sourly. He looked away and said '3. But it's not a lot. I'm just saying.' I glared at him for a second and stood up. 'Wait Y/N I'm just sayin you're really fucking hot, you know? And like Jake can get to be too mu'- 'I've lived with Jake for the past few months and we've hung out more than you think. So I'm pretty sure I might just know him better than you think.' I said as I walked into the house and up to Jakes room. He was sitting on his bed looking at his phone. 'We gotta tell em Jake.' I said sighing. 'I heard the conversation. We can tell them tonight after a prank.' He said winking. I just laughed as he brought me in for a kiss. 'Well, maybe you don't have to tell us later.' Corey said from the doorway grinning widely. I jumped and screamed. 'COREY! Don't scare me like that.' I cried. They both started laughing. Jake laughed and tilted his head to the side while pulling a knee up to his chest. 'Yeah, she's mine. So much for the surprise.' Jake said staring me down. I blushed brightly. Corey laughed and ran back to his room yelling for Devyn. 'Text him and tell him not to tell anyone else. It'll be a surprise to Sam, Kat, and Aaron.' I said to Jake.  'No it won't!' Aaron yelled walking down the hallway. I sighed and looked at Jake. 'Well the sneaking around was fun while it lasted.' I mastered winking from Jake. 'Hey, Jaaa... Oh?' Sam said as he walked into Jakes room. I threw my hands up and groaned. 'Why is everyone just around today?!' I sat down and put my hands on my face. Jake rubbed my back trying to comfort me. 'What's up Sam?' 'Are you guys? Never mind, do you guys want to film a video with me tonight? Like around midnight?' Sam asked curiously. I felt Jake lift his hand up a little bit as he shrugged, 'yeah sure why not. Baby you down?' Jake asked me, leaning down next to my head. I nodded. I guess it's just plain old official for us. I wonder what kind of video Sam had in mind for us tonight.....

Stay tuned for the next part guys! I will stay updating the story, no more MIA! Sorry about that😂😂

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