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When we got to the hospital I searched and searched for Jake and Colby. Asking every doctor that passed by me where they were none of them seemed to have an answer for me. I felt tears flowing down my face and my heart drop and become weightless. Jake was my whole world and I couldn't lose him. Not like this. 'Ma'am?' A doctor tapped me on the shoulder. 'You're looking for a Webber, right? Jake Webber and a, uh, Colby Brock?' He asked me softly. I nodded my head as I deeply inhaled expecting bad news. 'They are in a room together. Colby is suffering minor injuries. He should be clear to leave in a few days after some observation to see how well he's healing. Jake has a concussion, a few broken ribs and his left leg is sprained. But in the jist of it, they will be okay.' I let out a huge sigh of relief. 'Thank you so much.' I ran to the room with the boys and sat next to Jake. 'Baby, I'm here. I won't go anywhere.' I held his hand and rubbed his arm softly. Brennen walked in and Colby snapped. 'I don't know how or why but this is all your fault and you need to leave Brennen. NOW.' He was furious with Brennen and he had every right to be. He put his hands up. 'Colby I had nothing to do with this. And I'm sorry for everything. I don't even know what I was doing but I want to change and fix things.' His voice cracked as tears started sliding down his face. 'We can talk later but for now you need to go. Jake won't be exactly the happiest to wake up and see you here.' Brennen nodded his head and turned to walk out the door. 'I'll update everyone.' He said as he left. I looked back at Jake and seen his beat up body from the crash. Colby wasn't as bad but it was a sad site to see. I laid my head on the bed next to Jake. 'He loves you, Blaze. And I'm sorry for everything. I don't know what was going through my head and'- I put my hand up to silence him. 'It's fine. Just relax.' I took deep breaths and tried to relax next to Jake as I waited for him to wake.
Jakes POV
I was sitting on a couch in the family room of our house. Everyone was there and I was being introduced to Blaze. She was the most beautiful woman I ever laid eyes on. But we started out fooling around and nothing more. But eventually everyone caught on and that's when things began to change. Once we entered that relationship I felt everything about myself change. I'm a good way. She brought me joy and I'm not ready to leave her here in this world alone. Her beautiful curly hair. Hazel eyes. Perfect lips and the voice of sugar. No I'm not ready to let go. Because I'm not done living my life with Blaze.
I opened my eyes and seen her sleeping next to me. I lifted my hand and put it on her head. 'I'm okay. And I'm glad you're here.' I said softly.

Sorry another small cliff hanger. Comment suggestions that you want to happen in this story guys💜💜💜

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