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I woke up in Jakes arms again.
                      I laid there and looked up at his face. He was so peaceful and relaxed when he was asleep. I smiled bright as I sat up next to him and nudged him gently. 'Jake, wake up.' He moved but didn't wake so I let him sleep. I got out of bed, got dressed and went downstairs. 'Hey, Blaze, you're up early.' Colby smiled at me from the kitchen. 'Well shoot, what time is it?' I asked rubbing my eyes. 'It's uhh, 12:30. In the afternoon.' He laughed. 'Everyone else is still asleep though. I take it you stayed here with Jake again?' He asked even though he already knew the answer. 'Well yeah. Duh.' I chuckled to myself. He sighed and leaned against the counter. 'You know, for months you've been hanging out with everyone and ever since you and Jake started your little hook up thing, it's been different. Like I'm not important anymore.' He sounded as if he were jealous of Jake. 'Colby, that's not true!' He rolled his eyes. 'When was the last time we had time for us?' He asked biting into an apple. I bit my lip. 'It's only been a few days Colby.' He sighed and turned around. 'It's been a few days since you and Jake made it'- he did air quotations-'official. But I lost you the minute I brought you here. It was in Brennens good graces that he even allowed that.' I looked at him confused. 'Brennen?! Really? The cocky and conceited guy influenced your choice in bringing me to meet your friends?' I asked slightly irritated. He shrugged. 'Don't forget, only you know about me and Brennen being gang members you know. That's why it was in his good graces. He was scared you would tell everyone.' My jaw dropped. 'You really think I would do that to you?' He shrugged again and looked past me at the stairs. 'Hey there, Jake.' He smiled. I felt arms wrap around my waist. 'Hey Colby.' I felt him smile against my head.
Me and Jake, we were recently just messing around. But he wanted to make it official. Like boyfriend girlfriend official. I agreed. Corey and Devyn are never home anymore. Aaron is always in his room and Sam stays at Katrinas house most of the time.  And I think that's why this is bothering Colby so much. Aside from me being the only one who knows about him and Brennen. I put my hands on Jakes arms. 'Good afternoon sleepy head.' I said softly. Colby scoffed and walked into the tv room. 'Lets make some breakfast!' Jake said excitedly and went into the kitchen. I sighed and smiled. 'Let's do this!' I said as I walked in after him.
*later that day*
Jake was invited my Mike and Kevin to a guys night so I was stuck at home with nothing to really do. And I guess Colby didn't have plans either.
'Hey, Blaze, looks like you have some free time.' He said plopping down on the couch next to me.
'Yeah I guess so Colby.' I smiled and heard the front door open. I looked but Colby grabbed my hand. 'It's only Brennen.' He said reassuring me. I sat back. 'Hey bro!' He smiled at Colby then his eyes wandered to me. 'Hey Blaze.' His eyes lit up with temptation and he licked his bottom lip. 'Hi brennen.' I rolled my eyes and got up. But he stood in front of me too close for comfort. 'Where are you going exactly?' He asked. I felt intimidated in a way I shouldn't. Colby snickered from the couch and Brennen told him to be quiet. 'I'm going upstairs to Jake, my boyfriends, room.' I said not as firmly as I thought. He laughed softly. 'No you aren't.' A devilish smirk crossed his face. 'Yes I am Brennen.' I said and tried to shove past him. He grabbed my arm and waist, then he kissed me. I was caught breathless. 'Now you can.' He let go of me and I ran upstairs. What even just- I-... I grabbed my phone and texted Jake.
B- Come home please
J- Is everything okay?
B-Jake no just come home
J- I'm on my way.
I set my phone down and locked the bedroom door as I waited for Jake to come home.  Why is everyone so intimidating today? I was so lost by everything that's happened. Colby's jealousy this morning and Brennen tonight?! What is going on?! I grabbed my head and sat on jakes bed trying to figure it out when someone tried to open the door. 'Hey it's me open the door.' I heard Jake from the other side. I jumped up and let him in. He sat on the bed and looked at me confused. 'What's going on?' I sat next to him and held his hand. 'I have no idea..' I said as I started to explain everything. I didn't leave out anything. Jakes eyes got wider the more I talked and told him everything. From the gang thing all the way to brennen tonight. He sat there frozen....

Just testing the waters let me know your thoughts 😉🖤 if you don't like it let me know and I'll go right back to the smut 😁

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