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'That's why I had to find you, that's all.'
Colby said as he took another bite of his pancake. Chewing with his mouth full he waved his hands around and nodded his head then swallowed his food. 'Brennen won't stop til he gets you, Blaze. You seen how he grabbed you and kissed you that night. He wanted you!' I sighed. 'Well that's too bad. I'm with Jake and I'll never leave his side.' Colby laughed and shook his head. 'You don't get it do you? Brennen won't stop. Whether he takes you away forcefully or you agree to leave.' He took another bite. I stared at the kitchen table then outside to the cloudy day. 'Of course I'm not gonna tell brennen where you are though. I didn't come all this way to warn you, just to see you get hurt because of me.' He continued eating. I continued looking outside. I didn't really have words to say to Colby and Jake was showering. 'Blaze, you left the state and he's still looking. He wouldn't leave the country for you, yanno? Maybe Mexico but I doubt he'll get across the border he has too many warrants.' Colby said thoughtfully with a chuckle. I swung my head to look at him. 'Leave the country? ARE YOU CRAZY?!' I yelled at him slamming my hands on the table. 'Hey! It was just an idea. Go to Chicago. Brennen won't chase you that far! Besides I don't even get his big thing with you. Who cares if people know about us. I think it's more than that but he won't tell me anything anymore.' Colby threw his hands up and explained. 'Chicago huh?' I nodded. It's not particularly a bad place but it is far. Jake got out of the shower and came to the kitchen. 'What is everyone yelling about? And what's this about Chicago? You wanna go to Chicago? Because I think it would be fun!' Jake smiled so clueless. I frowned. I knew I had to go back. But I could trick Colby into taking Jake to Chicago or somewhere far while I handle Brennen. 'No you and Colby are going to Chicago together for a week. Bonding time!' I smiled at Jake and Colby gasped. 'Wait what?! Are you seriously'- I cut off Colby. 'It'll be good for you guys to enjoy a week together. A guys week.' I held back the sadness. But smiled brightly. Jake shrugged. He hasn't thought about anything since we left. 'I'm down to go! Let's go Colby.' Jake said as he went to pack a bag or two. Colby glared at me. 'What are you doing?' He hissed across the table. 'I have to fix things in order for me and jake to have a peaceful life. If not he's just gonna keep coming around and ruining things.' I shrugged. He slammed his fist on the table and got up. 'Fine. Anything happens you call us and we'll be in the first plane back.' I nodded in agreement. But I don't think that's what is going to happen. He went outside and I heard a car get close. I guess Colby decided to get out to the airport fast. 'Take the car. Don't ruin it. Or break it Blaze.' He said handing me the keys. 'Airport then you're on your own.' I nodded and went to help Jake pack.
*later that day*
I drove Jake and Colby to the airport and dropped them off. I gave Jake a long deep kiss before I went back to Colby's car and drove away. I couldn't fight the tears back and I started crying. I would miss Jake a lot. And I know Colby will take care of him but I know what I'm doing. I'm basically walking into a suicide going back to Brennen. He's just going to hurt me. But as long as Jake is okay I'm fine with whatever happens. I drove through the trees and rainy night of Washington. Then through Oregon before I hit California again. I stopped at a motel to sleep for the night and then started driving again the next morning. As I pulled up to Jakes house no ones car was there. I've never seen this house so empty. I feel like Colby left some parts out of his story or I just... that's right. When Jake and I left nobody really wanted to be home anymore until we came back. Then Colby left so I think they just left completely. I parked outside and went up to the door. I knocked but the door creaked open with the knock. Well that's not weird at all. I stepped inside. 'Hello?' My small voice echoed throughout the small mansion. I heard something get knocked over and ran outside. Buddy came running out. 'Hi buddy. I guess Aaron is still here huh?' I picked up the dog and went inside and ran into Aaron who took buddy back. 'Hey, uh, Blaze. Where's Jake?' He asked looking around. I just shook my head and walked past Aaron to Jakes room. I opened the door and seen that it was the same as how we left it.
'Blaze hurry up! Before they catch us.' Jake laughed as he hurriedly packed up his stuff. 'Jake it's okay we are just going for a little vacation.' I winked at him and he smiled. 'I adore you Blaze.' He said as he came and gave me a deep kiss tangling his hands in my hair and I lost my breath...
My eyes watered at the memory of the last time I was here. I shut jakes door and locked it as I slipped down to the ground and started crying. Someone knocked on the door. 'Blaze, ar-are you okay?' Aaron's careful voice asked through the door. I sniffles and wiped my face off. 'Yeah, yeah Aaron I'm alright.' I curled into a ball and hugged myself. 'Okay. I'm here if you need me.' He knew something was very wrong. I heard the door open downstairs and someone shouted. 'Hey! I don't know who's all home but Corey and Devyn are here!' Corey's cheerful voice lit up the darkness of the house. I think Sam was home but his car wasn't outside. 'Hey Aaron where's your car?' Corey asked. I heard their muffled conversation through the door. 'Oh it's at a shop. Only for a couple hours, it needed power steering for some odd reason.' He laughed. I smiled. I loved Corey and Aaron's conversations. The door downstairs opened again. 'Hey guys me and Katrina are gonna hang out in my room for a little.' Sam's voice echoed throughout the house as I heard him and Kat come upstairs. I had to see Sam. I opened the door and went to hug Sam but he was gone. I ran downstairs and there were no cars there. I imagined it all. I went to see if Aaron was also imagined and well he wasn't. So I wasn't completely crazy. I went back to Jakes room and cried. I think I cried all night. I can't believe I imagined them coming home. Tragic. I guess pain really does have crazy effects huh? I cuddled myself before I realized Jake left some clothes here. I went and put on one of his shirts and laid back in his bed. I heard cars tired screech outside and then doors slam. 'I know she's here!' I heard brennens voice loud and clearly. No more running. I have to face him. I left my door locked as someone tried to frantically get into the room. It wasn't long before the door was busted down and the person I feared stood in front of me. 'Welcome home, Blaze.' He smiled. 'Brennen...' I lost my breath as he picked me up and carried me outside to his car...

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