Chapter 4

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The Day Before...

Simon Snow

I turned around to see her standing along the edge of the ramparts near the stairs, quickly placing Baz's handkerchief in my pocket. Strange that she was up here in a flowing white dress, even I was cold even with my jumper.

Agatha hadn't noticed I happened to be here too since she seemed to be looking around for something. I cleared my throat and she stared at me for a second, shocked. "Hey. I thought you were studying." I wasn't angry, even though I think I knew what she was looking for, the same thing as me.

"I was studying, Simon. Then I realized I'd lost something yesterday, while I was walking. So I toke a break and came up here since I hoped it be here" she said in a cold but almost scared tone. Her words only confirmed what I thought was true, but still, I had to make sure. Reaching into my pocket I said "You're looking for something you toke from Baz, am I right" My words came out harsher than I meant to. I watched her reach forward, almost guilty to try and take it from me.

But suddenly I felt possessive. Baz was gone, all of his things that he usually had with him were also gone. This handkerchief was all I had left. Taking a step back, choosing to take a stab at the truth with Agatha, as a last attempt to save... whatever our relationship happened to be at this point. "Are you- are you waiting for him? Are you meeting him here? Is he coming?".

I had to know, needed someone to just say Baz would be back, that he was going to be okay. "Please, Answer Me!"

Agatha Wellbelove

Live is quiet at Watford when one isn't around Simon Snow. I had been avoiding him as much as I possibly could. Couldn't have my boyfriend finding out that I stayed up every night just waiting for Basilton. I remembered how he tried to get between me and Simon, and how much I had wanted him too. Maybe it made me and cheating girlfriend, but now, no years I had always wanted something different to Simon.

Plus Simon always spend most of his time Penny, so I knew we were going down different love lives anyway, but just when I thought I had a chance to be with Baz, he didn't come back, and I was left behind.

Simon Snow, a magical orphan, he had been with me for almost all my Watford life, but Baz, despite being evil, he was beautiful, and he liked me, I knew it. He just had to come to say that to me.

But at this moment, my life could not be worse, I currently was tearing my room apart searching for my beloved treasure. It had to be here, I needed to believe it was here, so I checked underneath my pillow. Frantically checked my cupboard, every pocket of my clothes. Even the secret box stuffed in my mattress. Then in absolute desperation, I went up to the ramparts, I remembered having it last night when I had gone up.

Simon, that was the only horrifying thought that ran through my mind, he was there. Asking me about Baz, about my feelings about him. I couldn't deal with that from Simon, not Simon. To be honest, I liked him in a friendly way, like coming to stay over and laughing over things, but looking at him, I knew every day that he probably wouldn't live to see his twenties.

And it's not I don't want to connect with him because of that. But I needed... Different. Baz was the light to Simon's light. Simon was the hero and saviour, and Baz well, he was the evil one. the vampire.

but the final straw with Simon was when he used a confusion spell on me. On Me, the one he was supposed to love and protect. How dare he insult me like that. No, I wouldn't be his, not any more. I would go to Baz when he came back because at least he wasn't as important as Simon.

I told him we were over, that I couldn't be his anymore, he looked hurt. Shocked. Well good, he should be. But then I got nervous when he started to flicker, his magic rising up. For a moment I felt like I understood what everyone meant be seeing all the things Simon has destroyed and killed appearing behind him.

Likely he stormed off, down the stairs, leaving me to my search, Simon was a monster, that's what I called him, it was true, more so than anything else we had ever encountered before. Suddenly I realized how cold it was in my dress and sunk down to my knees. Why did it have to be so cold?

Simon Snow

The night was cold even in my room, as I held Baz's handkerchief, crying. How could she say she wanted to break up with me. What had Basilton even offer her?

 Why did he even get to have this over me when he isn't here to have it over me.

I'd even put with his gloating stares and his smirk. Agatha couldn't actually seriously believe that evil tosser wanted anything to do with her more than to get at me. Cause with Baz everything ended up having something to do with getting at me.

His handkerchief, how long had she kept it with her, she didn't have the right the touch his stuff, it was his.

I fell asleep at last and saw him, his long black hair flowing across his face as he rose from his bed, I could see him looming over me whispering "I've wanted this for a long time, Snow. wanted you. And now, I can" His fangs gleamed in the moonlight, I was fascinated by the length of them. By his glorious gray eyes. By the way, he looked at me, with that intensity.

Would it hurt, his bite, Would he seek to kill me like he's threatened to do to me. Or would he make me like him, as a vampire, an immortal powerful form, only vulnerable truly to fire. Would he even want me to be with him.

But then I imagined his kiss. It was strong, powerful, fucking ruthless. Just like him. His hair was soft. Then I felt the raw feeling of my magic rise, that nova under my skin and I woke to see I'd set my bed on fire. Great, just great.

Looking for at Baz's empty bed made it worse, I realized I was wearing the same pants, reaching into the pocket, I finally pulled out Baz's handkerchief. Finding it landing on my head last night as I searched the Watford grounds yet again felt like an omen. And maybe tonight I would see if it would be true to that.

Hey, people reading my story,
this is an idea I came up with and wrote in today, so I'm sorry if there some mistakes and feel free to call it horrible. Cause I know I felt bad writing Agatha, she did turn out a little meaner than I interned so I also sorry if I have insulted any fans of her. (Not that I feel there will be many for this fanfiction).
Also, I've proud to say that I've forgotten to do my homework. (again)
Grated I will try to update almost every day for you guys if I can, so stick around. Hellcat5000 

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