Yoü And I

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Lindsea pulled me through hallways and up and down stairs until we finally got to a door. There was large creepy man guarding the door.

"Umm we're.." I started to say.

"I know." he said opening the door. He. Had a really creepy voice so I just hurried and walked in. Apryl and Cyndra were in there smiling like cyco paths.

"Wow! It's really loud down here!" I shouted. It really was! You could hear the guys running around and dancing.

"I know! I wonder what's gonna happen!" Cyndra shouted back.

"Judging by their history, it's probably gonna be awesome!" Apryl said.

The creeper poked his head in.

"Ladies I'm going to need you all to stand on those silver tiles." he said pointing. We all cramed together, sharing nervous looks. All of a sudden the floor started moving up.

We all screamed.

"Oh fuck no!" I screamed wanting to jump but I was afraid I might die.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The most beautiful girls in the world!" Steven said as we rose up onto the stage.

I was facing Joey as we came up and raised my eyebrows at him. He just smiled and gave us a drum roll.

We all just stood there, starstruck i guess you could say.

I turned around and saw the 1000s of people, and my jaw dropped. I walked over to Steven.

"What do you have up your sleeve THIS time?" I said playing with his scarves. They started the intro to What It Takes. Of course like every other girl in the audience, I got emotional. Steven grabbed my hand and we walked to the end of the catwalk, while the other girls went to their guys.

"These are our girlfriends..." Steven sung in the tune of the song.

"Here's another, diamond ring!" he said pulling a box out of his coat and showing it to me. I was crying already.

"And I was just wondering if you would marry me?" He said looking me dead in the eye. I shook my head yes and starting crying. The band continued to play while Steven put the ring on my finger. He smiled at me and then stood up. My friends came up and hugged the crap out me while we cried.

(To Be Continued...)

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