Round And Round

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We all shared some kind of sushi thing

"What is this?" I said stabbing the .. Fish.. With my fork.

"Octopus!" Joe said and I dropped my fork.

"Yeah... I think I'll pass..." i said pushing my plate away. A woman came up to Steven.

"Sir, Def Leppard has requested that you follow me to our VIP area." she smiled. She had her and on Steven's shoulder and I was ready to kill her.

"Sure." Steven said. We all stood up and followed her outside. She took us for quite the walk down the beach.

All of a sudden Steven got a huge smile on his face.

"What?" I laughed.

"Just thinking about her calling me Sir. You know... You might have to start calling me that." he smiled taking his arm off of me to light a cigarette.

"Want one?" he asked almost sarcastically.

I thought about it for a second.

"Sure." I said biting my lip trying to look sexy.

He raise his eyebrows, shocked.

"Do you know how to light it?"

"What do you think?" I laughed.

He came over and helped me light it.

I took in a huge puff of smoke. I waved him towards me with my finger. He came over and I kissed him letting the smoke go in his mouth. We were still kissing so the smoke was lingering in our mouths.

"PDA much?" Tom said pulling us apart. I smiled and blew smoke at him.

"Since when do you smoke?" he asked fanning it away from his face.

I shrugged then grabbed Steven's hand and walked into the "VIP" are.

"I'd like to dedicate this to the new Mrs. And Mr. Tyler!" Joe smiled and they (Def Leppard) began to play "Pour Some Sugar On Me" .

Steven started belting out the lyrics. I could tell he was trying to sound bad. He pulled me over to the dance floor, or what we were calling the dance floor.

I through my arms around his neck, and he put his on my waist. We swayed back and forth.

"You know... This is our first dance." I smiled

"Is that so?" he said leaning forehead against mine. I could feel myself melting into his arms.

"It won't be our last," he continued, "We still have the wedding."

I smiled, "That is going to be the one time I let you go overboard."

"I can see you walking down the aisle... Me smiling like an idiot... And our first kiss as a married couple.." he said smiling. I pulled away from him and looked up.

"Catch me if you can!" I said poking him playfully in the stomach. I took off into the only dark corner I could find. I came running after me and met me in the corner. He picked me up and spun me around.

"Now what's so special about this corner?" he asked putting me down.

"Well... It never hurts to practice, especially for a wedding!" I laughed. He caught on quick.

He put both hands on the side of my face, pulling me in so I couldn't escape. I let my arms hang down and focused completely on his mouth (which tasted like smoke and strawberries...)

He took his hands off of my face and hugged me towards him. I did the same and we just stood there for a long time.

He pulled back when we both started panting.

"How bout you go find the girls?! I'm gonna go see what the guys are up to." he smiled.

"Aww! But I was having a great time!" I said pouting.

"We will have PLENTY of time for that later!" he said running a hand through my hair.

"Okay..." I laughed then went off to find Apryl.

She was over talking with Lindsea.


"Hey! Great party!" Apryl said sitting her drink down.

"Since when do you drink?" I asked.

"Since you started smoking!"

"How'd you find out about that?" I asked shocked.

"I'm not blind! I saw your make out session!" she laughed, "But why?"

I just shrugged.

"So where do you think there going?" I asked pointing to the guys going into a door beside the stage.

"I don't know. Maybe to talk to Def Leppard." Lindsea said coming out of nowhere.

"Yeah... Probably." I said not taking my eyes off of the door. I knew they were up to something.

(To Be Continued...)

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