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"Too late." A familiar voice joined in.

"We know enough." Another popped in.

"J-Jungkook..J-Jeongguk." My words came out as whimpers,as their dominant stares bore into mine.

"Ah,I finally get to meet the Jeon Twins.. Hello, I'm Park Chanyeol.." Chanyeol held out a hand,not receiving one in return.

"I see. It's fine." He awkwardly retracted his hand,rubbing it off on his trousers.

"I suggest you leave." Jeongguk snapped.

"Before you get a broken jaw." Jungkook continued.

"Gee,thanks for the heads up,though. Anyways, nice to meet you. And babe" He smiled,encasing my lips with his.

I saw the twins tense at the sudden action,before relaxing once Chanyeol retracted.

"See you later." He pinched my cheek before exiting the scene.

"Finally,he's gone." Jungkook said,plopping down on the seat

"Here." Jeongguk slid a tray of vegetables to me,muttering a 'you're welcome'

"So,you two a couple now?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow,munching on his sandwich.

"Yeah..I suppose?"

"Why unsure,brother? He was all over your face,just now." Jeongguk retorted.

"I-I'm not committing to this,neither does he."

"Whatever floats your boat."

"Anyways, we have basketball tryouts later. So be a cute one and be there?" Jeongguk said,taking a bite of his fry.

"Y-yeah. Chanyeol also joined basketball as well." I smiled. As their faces dropped 3-stories down.



Lunch time was over, with me and my twin went ahead of Taehyung. We were outright pissed.

So pissed we gave handjobs to each other. That's right. You heard it.

We fucking gave handjobs to each other. And it is a rare occurrence for us to do so.

We spent 20 minutes in the locker room, filled with sweat and limp dicks because we couldn't climax for the sake of being irritated and annoyed.

How dare Taehyung say he just 'wants to watch the tryouts because his oh so boyfriend was trying out as well'

"Arghh!" I quickened the pace of my hand as I heard Jeongguk groan in pain.

"Ouch! You bitch that hurt! Giving handjobs usually doesn't hurt!" He said,wiping his sweat.

"I'm sorry,brother. It's just---"

"Taehyung.. isn't it?" He moaned after he uttered the name. As he came.

His load was massive. Making me climax as well.

"Y-yeah. Chanyeol doesn't do shit compared to us." I calmed down,before wrapping my lower body with a sleek towel.

"But he's his boyfriend,bro. What can we do?" Jeongguk relaxed on the steel bench.

"Anything! You want Taehyung as much as I want him as well."

"We're his goddamn brothers! Kook. We shouldn't feel this way." My idiot of a twin responded.

"If you aren't gonna do something. I will!" I surged with determination.

Jeon Taehyung will only fall for us.


third person

The basketball tryouts was going to be held in the ever-radiant auditorium.

Just hunks in sweaty jerseys that is.

And one of those juicy meats was Taehyung's boyfriend--Chanyeol.

Taehyung couldn't stop staring at him,as per glares being sent by the twins.

It didn't sit well with them.


Warm-ups were over,and the game was about to start.

And when I say the game was about to start..

"A--agckk.J-Jungkook" Taehyung moaned,tears brimming in his eyes.

"You've been--disobedient,pup. Now take it--like the good slut you are." Jungkook continued thrusting into Taehyung's gaping hole. Unbeknownst to Jeongguk who was still out on the court.

Well,it went this way...

The twins were infuriated---heck,the word was an understatement. They kept glancing over their sibling being a lovesick puppy over a Greek puke of a God,being all sweaty and meaty.

Well,the twins were,in fact sweaty ..and meaty as well. They couldn't bare the fact Taehyung was giving all his attention to Chanyeol,so they did a little game.

Of rock-paper-scissors.

Whoever got the best of 5 gets to fuck Taehyung--mercilessly and until the peak of tears. Get to degrade him as a human being and choke him in a sexual way,that is.

Both of them groaned with pleasure at the thought. Which made them more competitive than ever.

And well-- you know who won..

Jungkook practically cartwheeled after winning, before his vicious aura emanated him,as he strutted his way to Taehyung's seat. Dragging him back to the empty locker room.

And to Jeongguk's dismay--- Jungkook's phone was on speaker,so he could hear Taehyung's moans,as he tried not waking his junior,not in silly basketball shorts,he ain't.

"P-pleasee--- J-Jungkook.. I--" Taehyung cut his sentence off,by Jungkook slapping him on the face,continuously thrusting.

"You like that? Hmm? You like daddy's--"

"YESS! Oh my---"

"I'm gonna---ackk" Jungkook,with one last,final thrust. Filled Taehyung to the brim with his holiness.

The locker room was filled with heavy pants and uneven breathing.

Jungkook helped Taehyung get dressed. Before doing his own, peppering him with pecks in the process.

"Stay away from Chanyeol..Hmm?" Jungkook warned,licking the fresh hickies he made on Taehyung's milky soft neck.


"Shhh. Just enjoy the game"

He smiled,before leaning for another kiss..

Oh god..Taehyung thought.

"Where are those idiots?" Jeongguk groaned.

slow update huhu. But at least I'm alive


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